Bad Vibes

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Mitch lay in his bed as usual still flicking through twitter, wondering what time Scott would be back at.They had a show tomorrow and Scott knew he shouldn't be out too late.Mitch shook off these thoughts, after all Scott was a grown ass man.He didn't need Mitch worrying about him.Suddenly Mitch came across a photo of him and Scott as kids in the production of Charlie and the chocolate factory that they were in when they were 10 years old.Mitch couldn't help but smile at the picture, at those two skinny boys holding hands, grinning at the camera.Sometimes Mitch couldn't believe that they had known each other this long, but then again, he couldn't imagine his life without Scott.Scott had been the constant in Mitches life. When everything else seemed like it was changing, shifting, transitioning, Mitch looked at Scott and still saw that same skinny boy from CATS with those crooked teeth and that infectious grin.And not for the first time on this tour Mitch was thankful that they were on this crazy amazing roller-coaster that was their lives together.

All of a sudden Mitch heard a thud coming from the other side of the room, followed by a series of creaking noises.Mitch didn't know if he should get up and check out these noises.It was a very old hotel after all, and there was bound to be some creaky floor boards.He shook it off but turned on the light nonetheless.There was something that seriously creeped Mitch out about this hotel and he felt it the second he walked through the door.Its fine, your safe, he tried to re-assure himself as a feeling of pure dread started at his toes and washed like a wave throughout his whole entire body.There was definitely something up with this hotel.Mitch had had paranormal experiences and feelings before, but he had never experienced this magnitude of bad vibes.It almost felt like he was being watched, by some unknown force that he couldn't understand.Mitch shook himself again, no its just your imagination he chided in his mind.

The room suddenly become ice cold, and the almost fluorescent lighting washed all the colour out.What seemed like just an outdated badly decorated room before, now turned sinister.There was a loud bang outside on the balcony that made Mitch break out in a cold sweat.Frozen with a stifling fear Mitch stayed in bed and didn't move, his eyes locked on the balcony.the sensor triggered light on the balcony suddenly turned on, making Mitches heart beat out of his chest.Too terrified to utter a word, Mitch waited, his muscles tensed, waiting for whoever or whatever was on the other side of the double door that led to the balcony.There came a knock on the balcony doors that made Mitch jump and hit his head off the headboard.Mitch grabbed his head in pain,sitting up in bed.Then to Mitches utter horror a low chuckle reverberated around the room. Mitches heart dropped into his stomach as he heard the word-sorry, like a whisper in the wind flying around his head.

Mitch jumped up from the bed, his flight reflex finally kicking in.He ran to the exit door only to find it was locked.He heard the maniacal chuckle again taunting him.Mitch banged on the door, the scream somehow caught in his throat as he gave up fighting and slid down the door to the floor, sobbing.

His last thought was of Scott just before the power went out casting the whole hotel in a shroud of darkness.

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