Mitche's shitfest

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SHIT.That was the first word that came to Mitches mind as he summed up the past few days.From what happened in that psychotic hotel in Seoul to whatever happened between him and Scott.It was all a huge pile of shit.All of this happening in the space of a week, and all of this changing the life that he was so comfortable in before.

Mitch was sitting in the changing rooms of this new hotel in Kuala Lumpur, his head in his hands as all these shitty thoughts raced around his head.He had told Scott to go on ahead back to their room, that he would catch up.The truth was, Mitch just needed some time to think.The most ironic part of this whole situation he thought, was that whatever was forming between him and Scott terrified him more than any kind of paranormal experience he ever had. Remembering those few hours he had spent in Scotts arms before the sun came up in Seoul set his heart racing, his blood pumping through his veins, set a fire in his stomach of pure unadultered feeling. A passion that raged through him.And yet a seed of guilt and dread was planted in his brain and washed over him like a wave extinguishing his fire.This was SCOTT for fuck sake.What was happening to him?.This was his best friend that he had known since he was ten.He wasn't supposed to be having these feelings.These weren't best friend feelings.Scott had a fucking boyfriend, who was also one of Mitches best friends. 

Mitch got up and shook his head, before the frustration caught hold.He changed, folded his towels wondering what to do next.He couldn't continue whatever was happening between him and Scott, whatever "it" was.It wasn't fair to Scott or Alex.Ugh why did Scott make him feel this way? he wondered.Why did Scott understand Mitch in every possible way?why was Scott such a fucking incredible guy who was always there for him?Why did Scott have to be a tall gorgeous man who never failed to make him laugh?.WHY?.why did he have such an amazing best friend  that he couldn't help falling for.Mitch slammed the locker door, gathering his stuff he stormed out the door, frustration almost plausible floating in the air around him.

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