The shitfest continues

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Mitch stormed around the city frustration still seeping from his pores.The one thought that resonated through his head was space.Mitch needed space and and time, so he walked the city and took in the enormous buildings overhanging the sky, the little cafes tucked into street corners.Mitch walked the city for a few hours soon loosing track of time and for the first time on tour, or even the first time since Pentatonix started, Mitch had a strong urge to go home.To go back to Texas and spend some time with his family.It seemed like his whole life was changing, his career and everything with Ptx was getting huge.They were more famous and known now then they ever were and the crowds were only getting bigger and crazier at shows.when he thought back to the little skinny boy from CATS, the little musical dork that he was, it blew his mind to think how far he'd come.Not only him but Scott, Kirstie, Avi and kevin too.They were all changing, evolving into something he knew would be huge one day, something he had never even dreamed would come true.But his life was a roller coaster, everything he did was at a million miles an hour but the one constant in his life was always Scott.

Scott had always been there, helping him, guiding him through the storms and whirlwinds of his life.No matter what it was, Scott was always there.Scott had picked him up when Mitch was ready to give up, when Mitch was ready to surrender, Scott tore up the little white flag.Scott was like his personal guardian angel he thought with a smile.Realizing the sheer sappy-ness of his thoughts,his stomach immediately went into knots .SHIT, shit, shit, shit.Scott was his best friend.He could NOT be having these feelings.God-damn, what was happening to him?.Mitch never got this sappy without alcohol.Hell even with alcohol he had never reached this level of sappy-ness, especially about SCOTT for fuck sake.

Mitch then thought of two things that always took his mind off things when he was frustrated.Boys and alcohol.Realizing this he went looking for the nearest bar.

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