The art of Alcohol

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Mitch parted his way through the sweaty bodies, making a path to the bar.After some time ducking and avoiding the appreciative stares of one particularly fat red-face man, he found a bar stool and plonked himself down on it.Numb....that was all that Mitch wanted to feel.He just wanted to escape his reality for just one night.Leave all the madness back at the hotel and become someone else just for one night.

"what can i get you?" asked the bartender staring down at the pitiful figure that was Mitch.Another saddo he thought, ready to drown out his problems in a pool of intoxication.

Mitch looked up at the bartender and immediately noticed his attractive-ness. With amber coloured hair and piercing blue eyes he was the kind of man that Mitch had fantasies about when he was a teenager.

"chardonnay please" Mitch uttered still staring at this strangers face.The bartender quirked a smile 

"certainly" he replied and fetched Mitch his drink.

"oh, you can just leave the bottle" Mitch told him before he put it away

"that bad huh?" the bartender asked, arms folded, leaning across the counter looking at Mitch.

"You have No idea sis" Mitch told him rolling his eyes as he downed into his first glass of alcohol.

the bartender laughed flashing his white teeth at Mitch.Damn Mitch thought, he couldn't find a more beautiful man if he had tried.With his sun-bronzed skin and beaded necklace, he was the type of guy you would find in California, riding the waves.

"I'm Mitch by the way" he said as he poured himself another glass. "Harrison" the bartender said shaking Mitches hand as he flashed him another smile, almost flirtatious Mitch noticed with surprise.Could this guy be hitting on me? he thought, disbelief clear in his mind. C'mon this guy looks like he fucked half the girls in the bar already, Mitch thought.He looked as straight as a flagpole, but Mitch was never a man to not take an opportunity when it presented itself.Especially if it presented itself in the form of a sexy ass surfer-dude looking man, that looked like he could pull every person in the bar, male or female.So when Harrison asked if Mitch wanted to talk about why he was in a bar at 8 o'clock alone, Mitch leaned across the counter and flashed him the most seductive smile he could conjure, looking him straight in the eye, he told him.

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