Alex's thought process

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Alex stared at his phone for the 100th time that day waiting for his countless texts and calls to be returned by Scott.Hurt and anger flooded his veins as he noticed he still had no messages.He flung his phone into his bag and collapsed onto the seat exhausted.There was something going on with Scott but Alex didn't know what, and it hurt him to no end to know that Scott wouldn't confide in him and tell him.

Alex was sitting in an airport waiting for his delayed flight to Kuala Lumpur, going out of his mind as thoughts of Scott raced around his brain.After not hearing from Scott for over a week, Alex was a wound up spring, desperate for some feedback from his boyfriend.Alex and Scotts relationship had become more and more strained while on tour.Scott was so busy while on tour that Alex was lucky to see him for a couple of hours a day, and during that time all Scott wanted to do was sleep.Alex had been extremely patient though,always listening to Scott discuss Ptx and their careers, always caring for him when he was sick or his voice was tired.

Alex endured the stressful roller coaster life-style that all the other members of Ptx were on, except he was never part of it.He would never be known for the countless ideas he projected, the countless times he listened to arrangements to give his opinions, the countless hours he spent spewing words of enthusiasm and encouragement at the band.He would always be the man behind the scenes, the glue that held the pieces of the group together.He was one of the many people that stood behind the group and yet these people were so important.They were the foundations that supported the huge structure that was Ptx, their love for the members the only driving force to endure all the stress and strain on each relationship.

And as Alex looked at his blank phone he didn't know if he could take much more.His heart lurched as he remembered the carefree days the he and Scott had spent goofing around sunny California.All the stupid, immature things they had done.Just two boys living life to the fullest.Entire days they had spent at the beach  playing volleyball, their nights a drunken haze filled with promises and dreams.Alex was determined to make all of Scotts dreams come true back then, he knew he had the talent, and Scott forever re-assuring Alex they would be successful together.A power couple just like Jay-Z and Beyonce, ready to conquer the world

As Alex looked around the cold, empty airport he realized his world was deserted by the one man he cared most about, the missing piece felt like a gaping black hole sucking the life out of his universe.Their relationship now hanging by a thread.

Haunted By You(Scomiche)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang