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Scott lay sprawled out on a sun lounger soaking up the rays.With his hands behind his head he exhaled in pure bliss. Pentatonix had arrived in Kuala Lumpur the day before and the city was absolutely beautiful.Sky scrapers scaled toward the sky as far as the eye could see, yet there was enough greenery for there to be a fresh smell in the air.It looked like a city but smelled like the country.This hotel was one of the most modern and expensive Scott had ever seen.There was a roof top pool with a view to die for.Scott chuckled while watching Mitch splash around in the enormous pool.He looked like a fly in a cathedral Scott thought smiling.

Scott felt a fierce protectiveness over Mitch.He thought he should keep an eye on him after all that happened in Seoul, in that god awful hotel.Mitch still wouldn't talk about his traumatic experiences that happened in the hotel, nor would he talk about what happened between them that night, changing the subject every time Scott brought it up.And yet Scott never left his side.He never wanted to see Mitch that way ever again.The image of Mitch still curled up in the fetal position, shaking while sobbing still shook Scott to his core and planted a seed of panic in his stomach.Mitch had had sleep paralysis before but never had it been that bad.Usually Mitch would just mention that he had some messed up dreams the next morning, sometimes telling Scott about them, which made Scott forever thankful that he had never experienced something like that.Scott had asked Mitch after that nightmarish night if he wanted them to share a bed for the rest of tour, when Mitch had immediately shut him down.It wont happen again Mitch had promised him, but Scott couldn't be sure.Watching Mitch now in the pool, Scott realised that he would drop everything to protect this man.He would do all in his power to never let something like that happen to Mitch again.

"Scoooooott!"Mitch hollered from across the pool. "c'mon the water's perfect" he said as he swam the backstroke coming closer to the edge of the pool.He looked like a majestic mermaid in a lagoon paradise Scott thought. "naaahh I think im gonna sunbathe some more" he called as he fixed his sunglasses.When Scott looked back up, Mitch was nowhere to be seen.What the fuck Scott thought as he stood up at the edge of the pool.Suddenly a hand erupted from the water below Scott, catching his ankle and dragging him into the water.Scott landed with a huge splash at the bottom of the pool, where he saw the blurry outline of Mitch, the little shit.When they both broke the surface Mitch erupted into laughter."you asshole!" Scott accused while swimming in the other direction." aww c'mon daddy, cant you take a joke?" said Mitch still laughing, trying to grab Scotts foot while he swam away."get off me!" uttered Scott trying to fake exasperation while trying to hide the smile on his face.But Mitch held on and soon Scott gave up trying to shake him off, dragging him through the water to the other side of the pool.

Mitch climbed up Scotts body, dragging himself through the water so his hands were on scotts shoulders his body lying on top of Scotts back as he swam. "wow this is some Free Willy shit your pulling"Scott said laughing as they cruised smoothly through the water. "and your my big fat whale" Mitch whispered seductively into Scotts ear, sending a shudder down his spine, while Mitch laughed.Mitch really had no idea of the effect he had on him Scott thought.Mitch could say absolutely anything and make it sound like the sexiest thing Scott had ever heard, but Scott knew he was just teasing.It was the way Mitch was, he was a hyper-sensual and seductive person, and it was one of the traits Scott loved about him.Scott laughed blushing slightly and suddenly dove under the surface of the water, trying not to laugh at Mitches surprised gurgles.They stayed at the bottom of the pool for about a minute before Mitch had no choice but to swim up for air while Scott stayed down.Scott was known for holding his breath while diving.Like a predator Scott swam up under Mitch while the theme song of jaws played in his head and he burst out of the water in front of him grabbing Mitches shoulders.

Mitch screamed balling his hands into fists and raising them in front of his chest.Scott roared with laughter soon holding his sides as they became pained from it.When his laughter had subsided Scott looked up at Mitch,saw his shocked expression,his paled face and realized his mistake."Oh Mitch im sorry, i didn't mean to scare you so bad".Scott internally face-palmed himself.what the fuck was he thinking?, only a couple days after being in Seoul."no, no its okay it was only a joke"Mitch said as he broke eye contact with Scott a distant look in his eyes.Mitch sighed while leaning back floating slowely away from Scott on his back.Scott dived under him flipping around under water and grabbed Mitch around the waist, his face surfacing inches from Mitches as Mitch lay on his chest.

"we can talk about it if you want?" Scott whispered softly into his ear.Mitch had no response only to intertwine his fingers with Scotts, turn his head and kiss him lightly on the lips."thanks sis" he murmured back.

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