Scott's imagination

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thank GOD they didn't have a show tonight, Scott thought as he stared out the window of the stuffy hotel onto the streets.Mitch still hadn't got back and now Scott was seriously starting to worry.He had been gone for hours without his phone and with no way of contacting him Scott was left worried sick about him.He had asked Avi, Kirstie and Kevin to help him search the hotel for Mitch but he was nowhere to be seen.It was like he had just disappeared into the atmosphere like a cloud of smoke.Poof and he was gone.Scott realized that he had never really been in this situation before.It was usually the other way around, that Scott was the one people were looking for and worrying about.All of it very unnecessary he had thought at the time, as he remembered the countless nights his friends had to drag him home after too much to drink.But Mitch.....Mitch was different, he was meant to be the responsible one.Mitch could always handle his drink and knew when it was time to leave the club when things got too messy.Mitch was the one that looked after Scott when he was too drunk to function.Mitch, always the one that left starbucks and ibuprofen on the counter for the morning after when Scotts hangovers were so bad all he could do was lie around and watch tv.

No.....Mitch wouldn't go out in Kuala Lumpur without him Scott thought.Especially without his phone.Something else must be happening. Scotts head spun as he thought of all the possibilities.What if someone had kidnapped him?, what if someone had taken him hostage?, what if someone had robbed him and left him beat up in some gutter somewhere?!.Scott became dizzy with worry and nausea tugged at his stomach.Shit he thought, as he contemplated what to do now.Kuala Lumpur was an enormous city though, so big that Scott couldn't even consider searching the streets for his friend.

A feeling of useless-ness washed over him as he wrapped a blanket around himself and perched on the windowsill looking out into the dusky and suddenly dangerous-looking city of Kuala Lumpur.Scott sent out a little prayer in his head to anyone or anything listening that Mitch was safe.

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