Night visions

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Scott sauntered down the dimly lit hallway, making his way to the bar in the hotel, smirking while still thinking about Mitch.Scott wondered if he hadn't meet Mitch at the age of 10 years old, would their relationship be different?.Scott had always felt a spark around Mitch and it was obvious for the world to see that they had a connection.They were on the same wavelength, hell Scott could sometimes tell what Mitch was thinking about by the expression on his face.In addition to the fact that he could always tell when Mitch was uncomfortable in a social situation, at which point Scott would swoop in and try to ease the awkwardness.Whether they liked it or not, Scott and Mitch were connected in some way.They were connected in a way that cannot be explained, a way that goes beyond this world and this universe. Their souls had found each other and intertwined in a bond that could not be broken.And yet Scott was still confused as to the nature of the bond.Yes they were meant to be best friends but Scott felt an attraction to Mitch that he couldn't deny, and sometimes Scott felt like Mitch felt it too.As Scott made his way into the lobby he was contemplating an alternate universe where they would both meet at a bar at the age of 20.Scott would use some of his most horrendous pick up lines on Mitch who would naturally find them hilarious and endearing at the same time.They would go home together and the rest would be history

Scott was still caught in this reverie when he was jolted awake by the man standing in front of him.

"Scott hello?, are you still thinking about Tyson Beckfords penis?" Scott jumped in surprise as he looked up at the gorgeous man standing in front of him

"Alex hey, I didnt see you there, should we go in?" Alex caught Scott by the hand smiling at him while leading him into a medieval looking bar.

There was 10 people inside the bar at max, and they all looked at least 10 years older than Scott and Alex.There was that same musky old smell within the bar that was in the wardrobe.Scott and Alex sat down at the dark counter and waited to get the attention of the small, hunched over bartender that had to be in his 60's.Everything seemed old in this hotel thought Scott as he asked the bartender for two strawberry martinis.

Scott and Alex talked about anything and everything from Pentatonix to Chipendales to the Billboard music awards and Taylor Swift.As Scott discussed Pentatonix next album with Alex , he couldn't help the feeling that something was missing.Scott shook it off, it was probably this old ass creepy hotel he thought to himself, but his mind cast itself back to the face he knew best, Mitch Grassi as he got a chill up his spine and an uneasy feeling washed over him.

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