Breaking free/ letting go

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Scott was curled up at the top of the bed staring at his cell phone like it was some terrible monster. Mitche's heart shrank while watching him, the look of fear in his eyes was enough to fill a movie theatre of a scary movie.

Mitch sighed, knowing what he had to do, although it would tear his heart in two, rip it to shreds in the process.

"Scott-" he started softly.Scott finally locked eyes with Mitch almost knowing what he was gonna say.

"Mitch no, just no, i know what your thinking".Mitch inched up in bed and took Scott's hand.He sighed, shoulders slumped  while looking into those blue eyes he had seen a million times, but now they somehow looked different now.The look of sympathy on Mitche's face drove Scott crazy in the anticipation of what he was going to say.

dread lined Scotts stomach, trepidation walking all over his nerves as adrenaline pumped through his brain, preparing him for what was to come.

"Scott-answer the phone" Mitch commanded.Staring up at the man who he had always loved,ever since they were kids, who would always hold his heart.Mitche's heart hammered in his chest, his stomach roiling he suddenly felt like he might get sick.

Scott just stared at him, hurt clear on his face "But Mitch-".

"No Scott, Alex doesn't deserve this" his voice firm he gestured to the space in between them "This will never work, we have to face it."Scott felt like someone had just kicked him hard in the chest.His eyes filled with tears pain, swelled in his body so physical.

Mitches heart shattered while watching him, as if his heart was a plane of glass that someone had taken a sledge hammer to, but he focused every bone  in his body on not crying.He knew if he cried, he would give in, his resolve dissolving.

Mitch held out the phone to Scott, feeling as if he was giving away the only man that he would ever love, the only man that he had let in, past the walls of his tightly guarded heart.Scott had walked right through his defences, no matter how high they were, no matter what they were made of Scott disintegrated them all.Scott had melded them all away, leaving Mitch bare, vulnerable, free.But all Mitch could think of while watching this man unravel before his eyes, was to put all the barriers back up 100 times stronger than before, lock his heart in chains, in layers and layers of unbreakable material.Freeze his heart in diamonds, never to be broken down again, never to feel again, ...numb.

All Scott could do was stare at Mitch, tears streaming down his face like a water fall, each tear that dropped like another stab to his heart.But Mitch stared back, determined, emotionless. And that's when Scott questioned if Mitch had ever loved him at all.In that moment Scott believed everything that Mitch had said.It could never work, his heart constricting Scott felt like he was being strangled.

Trying anything to stop the pain, Scott closed his eyes and curled up in a ball, turning away from Mitch as he did so, the phone still vibrating in his hand.

A new wave of sadness hit Mitch, tightening his chest like a straight jacket.A single tear fell from his eye, while he wiped it away quickly.Then Mitch did one of the hardest things he ever had to do in his life.He turned and walked away, his life force draining as he went he started to feel less and less human....less alive.

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