2.New Friends, Muddy Pants, New Encounters

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  • Dedicated to Luciana Jhon Carpena

I fluttered my eyes open dizzily. I took in my surroundings, or rather the flood of people surrounding me.

"Thank god! You're okay, she's okay everybody! Now, go away, shoo!" exclaimed worriedly a blonde, gorgeous girl. Shockingly, every single person who was beside me a second ago, dispersed like they were bees and the girl was the Queen Bee. I felt a slight pain in the back of my head

I stood up, and shot the stranger a grateful smile. She nodded back, her face literally glowing. 

"Hi, I'm Stacy, are you okay?" muttered the stranger kindly. Oh, that was Stacy! Great. What a great first impression I'd made. 

"Uh, hello! I'm Lena. Are you the Hennings' daughter? I think our parents work together," I asked, rubbing my head. I blinked a few times, trying to lessen the pain in my head.

"Yeah, that's me! Now let's go get your schedule, maybe we'll be in the same classes," winked Stacy, smiling.

I sighed interiorly, I guess having a friend on the first day wouldn't so bad after all.


"Oh my Chanel! We have every single class together!" squealed Stacy. twirling her hair. I rolled my eyes, annoyance setting in my thoughts. 

I winced at her "squeal". My ears sort of hurt. All she did was squeal.

"Oh my god, you have such nice hair!"


"My mom told me so much about you, we're gonna be such good friends!"


Keep calm. Be polite, be cool. I wouldn't want to lose my only guide/friend here, I thought, faking a smile.

"Be polite and cool about what Lele?" asked Stacy, widening her blue eyes, surprise and child-like curiosity in them

Oh god.

I partly spoke my thoughts out loud. Oh, and "Lele" was my nickname.

How adorable, and incredibly sickening.

"Oh, um, that's what I say when I'm nervous about something. You know, new school and stuff!" I blurted out, hoping she'd buy it.

"Oh-em-gee! That's so awesome! Be polite, be cool," exclaimed Stacy happily.

"Hey, my locker is 555, can I go see where it is? And also, I should really put my stuff. My bag is full of books," I said, feeling my stomach twist a little at the thought of the first class. I really hoped the teacher wouldn't make me go through the whole: "Hello, my name is Lena. I'm seventeen. I like books. I like listening to music. I like fun people."

"Of course! Let's go!"

While walking in the wide, crowded halls with Stacy, I took in every little detail they had/ The walls were old, but the painting was fresh. Lockers were sprayed with different colors, some were naked, some looked damaged. 

Snickers were heard, and I had to force myself to not turn around to see what people were laughing about. I felt a rising anxiety as their eyes were on me, as they laughed. Confused, I tried to shake it off. They were probably talking about something else.

Paranoid much, Lena? 



No, I'm not paranoid!

Yes, yes you are!

Great, now I'm mentally fighting with myself. Smart much?

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