10.I'll Hurt You.

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After my little breakdown, I went home. I didn't talk to or text Liam. I felt the need to be alone. My mom was surprisingly understanding, she didn't ask what was wrong, just held me in a tight embrace. That was all I needed. I changed into my penguin comfortable pajamas, and took a bowl of chocolate ice cream. It made me think of Liam. I should text him.

"Hey, what's up?"

I impatiently waited, checking my phone every second. But then again, a watched pot never boils. I put on my favorite show The Vampire Diaries. I was so absorbed on Damon and Stefan's little argument.


I fumbled for my phone, and opened his message.

"Nothing much, thinking, how about you?"

I frowned at his reply. Something was up. See, I had a special gift. I could feel every one's feelings, whether I was in front of them, whether they were miles away from me.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?"

He immediately answered me. His text shocked me. I was stunned, worried and afraid.

"Well, I may have beaten the hell out of a certain ass who hurt my best friend."

I smiled a little at the fact that he called me his "best friend", we knew each other for only a month, but it seemed like forever. Then the motherly side took over. He had a fight? For me? With Mark? I quickly typed in my answer.

"What? Are you okay? What happened exactly?"

He answered in a heartbeat. I chewed on my nails.

"Don't worry, he got his ass kicked. Yeah, I know I'm smaller than him, but he's not the one who took wrestling classes since 5th grade. After you left, I followed you. Then, I realized I was dumb. You needed some "me" time. So, I felt myself get mad, and I punched him about 10 times."

This time, I smiled for real. Emotions knocked on my heart's door. Relief, happiness, gratefulness, pride and many others. 1- Liam was safe. 2-Mark got his ugly ass kicked. 3- I had a great friend. 4- Liam understood me.

"Thank you, Liam. Really. But, his words were true. I am the cause of my father's death."

It really was the truth.

He replied so fast, and I could feel anger glowing from my phone.

"Listen to me, Lenapoo. You are not the cause of your dad's death. Don't listen to his stupid words, okay?"

I felt my heart flutter. With what, I didn't know. But whatever it was, I liked it.


I ignored how many hours passed by, with us just texting like that. The conversation ended with him telling me he wanted me to sleep, so I did. Sleep is beautiful. You forget about everything for a while.

**Her Dream...

I was laying in a field, it was unrecognizable. There was a noise, of falling. A waterfall maybe? I could hear the waterfall way before I could see it. It sounded like the roar of a train. As I turned to the source , I spotted the falls. Crispy, white lengths of water sheet out over the edge of the rocks above. They were magnificent. Beauty of nature. As I leaned in to graze the falls, I heard a voice. Of panting.

He was running towards me, the concern in his appearance stronger than the force of the majestic falls. He was shouting, but it was incoherent. Only words traced on his lips, but no voice came out. He was trying to warn me from something, or someone. 

Then, I heard them. Their feet were similar to the stomping of a troop of elephants. They all shouted words. Their leader was a guy who hurt me. Mark. He was running towards me, as were all of the others. Their faces were familiar, but I'd never seen any of them.

Time seemed to slow down. I heard everything they shouted.




They were getting closer, and I kept backing up. I felt as though my world could crumble at any moment.

Liam mouthed the word: "Safe." I ran to him, as he enveloped me in his arms.

And before I knew it, he fell in to the waterfall. Him and I, together.

***End Of Dream.

I woke up with a gasp, beads of sweat on my forehead. The dream seemed so vivid, so real. I ran a hand through the tangled mess that was my hair. I took a deep breath, and that relaxed me.

I showered and got dressed for school. There was an odd feeling tugging in my chest. As if something was going to happen today. I tried to push that feeling away, but the unease wouldn't go away.

I went downstairs, waiting to listen the usual clinking of a spoon on my mom's coffee. The living room and the kitchen were empty. She left a little note on the refrigerator.

"Good Morning Lena! I had to take care of something, I'll be home before nine. Love, Mom xox."

Well, that was my mom. I took a granola bar, and locked the door.


When I arrived at school, there was a strange ambiance. Every one was silent. Even the teachers. When I passed by, the halls went quiet.

I found Liam, he was standing against my locker, his forehead creased with worry. When he spotted me, his eyes went alert. He held me by my shoulders. Ow. Noticing my pain, he immediately let go. He typed something on his cellphone. He showed me what he wrote.

"Is it true? Lena, is it true?"

Lost, I said: "What are you talking about?"

His eyes went wide and he typed again:

"Your dad abused you? The whole school knows about it." His eyes observed me, as if waiting for an answer.

I was aghast. My whole body froze. My emotions just exploded. This was too far. My normally calm and pleasant demeanor slowly changed and my face contorted in an all - consuming anger; my nostrils flaring, came spewing into space like a volcano releasing its pent up emotions into the darkness.

 My hands closed into fists and I crouched forward.
"Who the hell said those horrible, sickening, offensive lies? Who?" I yelled angrily.

Every eye in the school was glued on me. I turned to them.

"I repeat, who said that?" I exclaimed on the same tone.

They were all terrified, I could see their fear.

"I said it. It's the truth." said a voice familiar to my ear, his hand slightly shaking. His face was blue. His left eye was swollen.

I slowly walked to him, and punched him.

I heard a crack.


You. Guys. Are. Phenominall. I can't thank you all enough. Your comments are so sweet and kind. <3 Well, that was unexpected. Leave your opinions on who it was. ;) I updated twice in a day, YAY. OH well, thank you.

Stay Happy. ~ForeverSmilingxoxo



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