Chapter 41

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The mercenaries' stares at you. Half of them agree with the solution you came up with while the other half look at you as if you already lost your mind. 

"Aright," Heavy said calmly. 

"Ah don't see why not," Engie said. 

"I supposed," Spy said, shrugging. 

"Prepare to get crush!" Soldier said. 

You smile, "glad to help," You walk back to Scout, Demo, Pyro, and Sniper while Soldier, Spy, Engie and Heavy are doing rock, paper and scissors. 

"Who do you think will win?" Sniper asked. 

"I don't know," you said, facepalming. 

"Why feelin' so embarrassed?" Scout teased. 

"I'm not embarrassed!" you protest, "I just hope that the enemy isn't watching this embarrassment..." 

"So, you admit," Scout said. 

"I did not!" you said, playfully punching Scout on the shoulder. 

"I lost?! No!" Soldier groaned while Heavy remain quiet with a disappointed look. 

"Damn..." you commented. 

"Ready to lose labor?" Spy asked.

"Ah'm always ready!" Engie said. 

Pyro made a comment which end up a muffled sound. 

"I can't believe these guys taken this so serious..." you commented. 

"Is it just me or is this some kind of cheesy storyline?" Demo asked. 

"More like over-the-top storyline..." Sniper muttered.

"Probably just you," Scout replied, "I wonder who will win." 

"I'm sure Engie will win," you respond, "it's not like I'll end up with Spy ag-" 

"Ah won!" Engie cheer. 

You and Scout stare at the scene with disbelief look. 

"I can't tell if you're bein' sarcastic or not, but I was expecting you to be with Spy..." Scout commented.

You sigh while facepalming, "I don't know about you, but something tells me this happen out of plot convenient." 


You, Engie and Pyro head to the building, while the other mercenaries scan the area and probably just doing their own thing. 

"What is it, we're looking for?" you asked. 

"Whatever we can find," Engie replied. 

Engie continue scouting, until he found some australium and tools asset to use for his project (to aid the team). So far Pyro and Engie don't seem to find anything useful to provide any information for the administrator and Miss Pauling. 

"Well, Ah found nothin', how about you Pahro?" Engie asked.

Pyro shakes their head, causing Engie to sigh. 

"How about you Y/N?" Engie asked, which you didn't respond. "Y/N?" Engie call again turning his head to look behind him, only to find you gone. "Dagnabbit..." 

You continue scouting around, you walk to the door that somehow catch your eye. Without any hesitation or concern, you open the door, and the room was clear. 

You sigh out of annoyance, "what's with these people leaving their shit around and have no one around to protect them?!" you whispered yelled. You place the shotgun down on the desk as you walk up to the machine that looks like you. You're not sure if you find it amusing or creepy that they got the details right. You look around, only to find a pencil to poke the machine. 

Looking at the machine, you notice that it was holding a weapon and it have some cash on it. You thought about taking the money and the weapon from it, but part of you is telling you this is a bad idea. Having a few minutes with arguing yourself. You look at the machine, then turn to the door. 

"Fuck it..." you muttered. 

Walking up to the machine, you take the cash without any problem and try to take the weapon from the machine. Only for the weapon to be stuck in the machine's hand. 

"C'mon..." you muttered, as you struggle to take the weapon from the machine, "give me the stupid gun!" While you are tugging the weapon, the grip on the weapon got tighter. It didn't take long for you to notice that the machine turns on.  You stop and stare at the machine while it stares back at you. 

You let out a nervous chuckled, "hi... had a nice nap?" 

The machine responds by pulling the trigger, which you quickly roll out of the way.  

"I guess not," you replied as you try to grab out your shotgun only to find your shotgun on the desk. 'I'm such a moron for leaving a weapon on desk at the unknown area!'

You have two options, run to the shotgun or charge at the machine. You can feel the adrenaline rush throughout your body that you charge at the machine. Grabbing the wrist of the machine to have the gun point at the ceiling as the machine pulls the trigger.  

You use your arm to hit the machine trying to lower it guard down and try to grab the pistol out of its hand. 

The thief machine kicks you by the stomach, causing you to grunt in pain. 

You knee the machine, but you end up feeling the pain instead. 

"Shit..." you muttered. 

"Hahaha," the machine laugh. 

"Shut up!" you yelled, trying to kick it between the legs. You let out another curse word while grunting in pain, causing the machine to laugh. 

"I had enough!" you said tackling the machine and trying to tear it head off. 

This machine isn't going down without a fight.  It uses its weight and power to get you off of it. 

The machine punch you in the face, causing your mouth and nose to bleed. 

The machine points the pistol at you and fires.

You quickly dodge the bullets as you try to get closer to the shotgun.  You got closer to your shotgun, only for the machine to shoot the shotgun away from you. 

You quickly take cover, to look around. There are papers, desk, chalks, clip boards, chairs, and blinders. 

You grab the chair and throw it at the machine, which the machine is caught off guard. 

You quickly grab another chair and throw it at the machine again, but this time you run toward the shotgun and run toward at the machine to spit your blood at it face. 

The machine was caught off guard that you aim at it and pull the trigger. 

"Take that you son of bitch!" you yelled, and then fire again, this time you aim at the head to make sure it stays dead. 

"My god! I didn't expect the machine to be this annoying!" you said, not realizing that you're being watch. 

Your heart drops, as you slowly turn your head, only to find more of the machines, standing and staring at you. 

"Hey guys... is this your friend? Um... about that, your best friend decides to mess with the wrong person that got themselves killed," you said with a nervous chuckled, "listen, if you let me go, we can all pretend that this has never happen. Let's be bygone be bygone. Whatcha say?" you said.  

The machines instantly grab their weapon, and they are ready to kill you. 

"I'll take that as a no..." you said and then start running. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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