Girl Meets Tension Pt. 1

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*DISCLAIMER: dominant Farkle in the middleish and towards to the end of the chapter. Had to put a warning for you guys. You're welcome lol*
"What's going on with Aviana?" After Aviana had came home that one night, she ended up talking to Maya and Sofia, they're not back to the way they were but they're better than before. But for some reason, she's been staying at Farkle's, granted she does call every single day. Like everyone's been talking to her multiple times a day but she just doesn't want to be over here. At first we thought it was because of Maya and Sofia but she reassured us and the girls that it wasn't the case and we believe her. But now we're worried because she won't tell us what's wrong, Farkle won't even tell me or Josh anything. Flynn has been strangely quiet lately but I just assumed it was because him and Maya broke up.

"She's okay." Dad said making us all look at him.

"And how do you know?" Shawn asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I just do, I know my daughter and she's okay." He said before going to his room. We all shared a look before looking in the direction my dad left in.

"He definitely knows something." Maya commented, what none of us noticed was Flynn silently panicking.

Yes I know what's going on, I was worried when Aviana came to me and told me that she want to stay at Farkle for the time being. But she calmed me down from panicking and assuming that  she was going to do what Maya did. Between all of my kids, I'm the closest with Aviana and we ended up talking about everything. I mean everything, she told me all of the details of the trauma Mariana put her through and I spoke to her about my family life.

So she ended up telling me what that idiot Flynn did and she had to stop me from going to kill him and to get Nate to hide the body. He advantaged of her emotional state and not to mention he just got out of a relationship with her SISTER. She said she needed time to figure out how to tell everyone, especially Maya. I told her that I completely understand and told her to make sure that she calls us and she kept her promise.

I even had a conversation with Farkle who was completely nonchalant about the whole thing but I could tell he was extremely pissed but he was trying to seem okay around Aviana. We both knew that she knew how he really felt, I just feel bad for Aviana because she really saw Flynn as her brother and he ruin that image for her. It doesn't seem like it but Aviana has trust issues so if she does trust you, you don't want to do anything to break that. I just know that the rest of them won't stop until they figure out what's going on and it's going to make everything worse.

I ran my fingers through Aviana's hair while she was asleep, I couldn't fall asleep since there was so much on my mind. When Aviana came into her room and she was crying, I assumed the worse which I was right to do. What I never expected to come out of her mouth was that Flynn kissed her. My heart dropped when I heard those words but I could tell she was on a verge of a panic attack when she was trying to tell me that she didn't kiss him back. I know Aviana better than I know myself and I knew she wasn't lying and knew I had nothing to worry about.

It's not me being cocky or conceited but me and Aviana will never break up again. I know there will be and are people who want her but they can't have her because she's mine and I'm hers. I already lost her once and I already told her along with myself that I will never go through that again. So Flynn or whoever can try but they will never succeed because I am possessive of Aviana but what people don't know is that she's more possessive of me so she wouldn't let anyone come between us. Plus I won't back down without a fight, just let me get angry enough and you'll see exactly what I can do when it comes down to Aviana. Trust me...

It won't be pretty.



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