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Soap POV.

Ghost and I talked about (y/n) yesterday about that both of us love her at the same time and such but I can tell Ghost was hiding something but I don't know what. But yesterday when (Y/N) and Konig were out training I can tell that Konig was having feelings for her also and Ghost can tell as well. So today Ghost and I were thinking to take (y/n) out today and have some fun, like to walk around the town or go for some shopping spree. Who knows what we might do but all I know Ghost said that we can share her for some time till she knows who she really loves to be with then if she falls in love with one of us then the other needs to back down. I like the idea of that and I really hope that she falls for me. Ghost and I were heading to her room and stopped at the door and both of us look at each other till I knocked on her door twice. We waited for a bit till it opens and stood a funny looking (y/n) as her long (h/c) hair was all mess up and her mask was on and have a sleepy look on her face. I laughed a bit while Ghost hums with a little chuckle.

"What?" she said with a groggy voice.

"We are wondering if you would like to come with us to town? Well, not wondering we are asking you to come with us." Ghost said in his deep voice and I watched (y/n) as she rubs her eyes with a little yawn.

"Sure, just let me get ready." She mumbled and close the door as I can't help but laugh some more.

She was the cutest thing and I hope I win her heart so I can see that beautiful face every each morning. After a while, the door open and (y/n) was there with a crop top and a long sleeve plaid shirt with skinny jeans on and her military boots on. She grabs her bag and walked out of her room and shut the door behind her as she yawns some more.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked in a joking manner.

"Kinda, just my body hurts a bit from training too much yesterday." She said with a moan while stretching her neck as we walked off to the door.

"I see, well don't overwork yourself." I said, and she smiles and looks at me.

"I won't." She said till she look over more of her shoulder and I did the same and saw Konig. "Morning Konig."

"M-Morning." Konig said with a light nervous in his voice.

"Morning." Ghost grumbles as I just nod to him.

"What are you guys up today?" He asked as Ghost and I look at each.

We are thinking he wants to go with but we just want her to ourselves. We don't need another competition but he looks like he have feeling for her. I can tell by his actions and how he looks at her. He clearly likes her, so why not? Maybe when she leaves us, we can talk to him privately about Ghost and my little game.

"Do you want to come with?" Ghost asked, clearly not getting my sign to tell him he should come with, but by Ghost's voice he does not want Konig to come with.

"S-sure, why not?" Konig said as just as Gaz and Alejandro came over.

"Where are you heading?" Gaz asked as I can tell now those two want to come.

"To the town like to come with?" (Y/N) asked as both of them smile.

"Sure, why not!" Gaz said as I sighed as Ghost grumbles.

Well, there goes that idea, but I can still talk to Konig and see if he has feelings for (y/n). I look over at the three with a smile and cross my arms. Gaz, Alejandro and Konig walked over to us and we all head out as Ghost stayed next to me as we were in the back, and the rest with (Y/N) was leading the way out of the base. Once we are out of the base, we head into a jeep. Alejandro, Gaz and (Y/N) are up in front and Ghost, Konig and I are in the back. Gaz was driving to the town as Alejandro turn on the radio and we sat in silence all the way there. When we got into town, Gaz parked the jeep in a parking lot and we all get out and start walking around town.

"How about we split up and have fun today?" Gaz suggested and everyone agreed.

Gaz heads off to a coffee shop while Alejandro heads off to a bar while (Y/N), Konig, Ghost and I just stick together and walk around a bit. (Y/N) was looking around for something till she spots it and blushed and stopped and turn around and look at us.

"I will catch up with you guys. I need to go somewhere real quick. I'll be back." She said and with that, she hurried off before neither of us could say something.

Ghost sighed as I think this was the perfect time to ask Konig if he has feelings for her. I look over at our tall Australian German man as he was standing there looking nervous and looking around.

"So Konig..." I said as Konig turn and look down at me. "Do you like (y/n)?" I asked him as I saw his face turn red from underneath his mask. "Because if you do, then we have a problem."

"What k-kind of problem?" Konig asked.

"A love problem." Ghost said with his arms crossed, as he was not too happy.

"Oh, then um...er yes, I do like her more than a friend, so I guess I love her." Konig said as I sighed and shake my head.

"Bloody hell." Ghost said with a deep growl of frustration.

"Well, I guess you're in part of our game then, Konig. The game is to win over her heart and whoever she is with the others back off. Got it?" I told him as Konig nodded. "Good."

"Hey, I'm back!" We all look over and saw (y/n) carrying a sack that is pink and have the letters of VS on it. "Sorry, but I need something real quick, a girl thing." She told us with a blush that I think it's cute.

"It's alright, now let's just walk some more and see if we could do anything." I said, as the rest agreed.

We walked around and stop at a couple of stores and shop there, then walk again as we look around. We stopped by a knife store as Ghost was getting some new knives and (y/n) was looking at the big knives as her eyes was shining. I smile at that and walked over to her as she was looking at a black knife with a red handle.

"Do you like that one?" I asked her as she looks over at me, then back at the knife and nods.

"Yeah, but maybe next time." She said then walks off as I watched her then look at the knife as I can tell she really wants the knife terrible.

I asked the worker for the knife and they got it for me and I payed for it as they handed me the knife with its holder. I place the knife in my back pocket, then follow the rest outside once Ghost got some new knives. We did this walking and shopping here and there for an hour till we all meet up again as Alejandro has a case of beer and some to go food in his hands with Gaz that was holding some bags that have some food in them as well.

"Ready to head back?" Alejandro asked as we all nodded.

We head back to the jeep then drove back to the base. At the base, we ate the food that Alejandro got. Everyone was eating and talking while drinking beer till we were all finished with our food. Alejandro walks off to his room while Gaz turn something on the TV and Konig head off somewhere and (y/n) was getting up and Ghost and I look at each other than look at her as she walks off. Ghost stood up. So did I and we followed her to her room as she opens her door and stopped then look at us.

"Something I could do for you boys?" She asked.

"We are wondering if you would like to hang out with us two later tonight?" I asked as I just want us three together alone instead of the others like we did today.

"Sure...whose room?" She asked as we thought for a bit.

"My room." I said. "I have some things we can do in there." I told her as she nodded.

"Alright, see you later tonight then." She said and walks into her room then close the door behind her.

"Really, your room? I have some things we can do in there. Come on, Johnny, that sounds really weird." Ghost said as I roll my eyes.

"So what? At least she agreed to hang out with us tonight." I told him as Ghost sighs and did a nod.

"True." Ghost said, then walks off as I head off to my room to clean up a bit for tonight.

I can't wait for tonight. I hope we get to know each other more and maybe I will use my charms on her for her to love me faster than Ghost and Konig. I thought to myself as I was in my room and clean up a bit.


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