(Ending Part 4) 29

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(Y/N) open the door and all three of them stood there with confusion on their faces, wondering why they were at her door and she smiles at them. She kisses Konig's cheek, then kisses Ghost on the cheek, then lastly kisses Soap's forehead. She pulled away and look at them as their faces were all red and she can't help but smile at them.

"Merry Christmas to you three, and I have a confession to make. I love you three, and I can't pick either of you, so I am picking all three of you." She said as they look at her like some crazy woman, but in their eyes they have love and affection in their eyes.

"So you love all three of us?" Konig asked while she nodded with a smile.

"Yes, I love you three. It was hard to pick between you three, so I picked all three of you." She said and walked into her room and they follow but while Ghost notice the mistletoe and shook his head with a smile and follows in. "So that I am picking you three, you know you all have to share, be kind to one and anther and more of all show the same amount of love so no competition." She told them and they nodded. "Good, now let's enjoy this Christmas." She said as the men smile at her.

"Yeah let's have enjoy this Christmas together." Soap said and walks up to her and kiss her lips and she kisses back.

"Well Konig, let's just enjoy this Christmas with the woman we love and with our each other companion." Ghost said as Konig nodded.

The four enjoy each other the rest of the night as they watch some movies with the group and when Alejandro, Gaz and Price went to bed while Ghost, Soap, Konig and (Y/n) were up watching the Christmas miracle. Soap and Konig fall asleep while Ghost was holding (y/n).

"Merry Christmas, love." Ghost said as she smiles and nuzzled into his chest.

"Merry Christmas Ghost." She mumbles as the sounds of the movie were playing.


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