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(No One POV.)
(Y/N) walked over Amon with red eyes, as she only saw red. Price was too busy trying to take down Amon, but he was stronger than him. Amon grabbed Price and throw him across the room as Price's back hits the wall. (Y/N) ran towards Amon and swing her sword at him as he saw it coming and dodged out of the way and shoot a bullet at her but she slice the bullet into two with her sword then she twirl her swords together cutting the bullets as he kept on shooting at her. Kim and Av ran over and helped Soap and Ghost up while Price got up and was about to help (Y/N) but Av stopped him.

"No, this is her fight. Help me with this boy," Av said as Price was hesitate but he helped her with Soap and they got out of there.

"You can't kill me!" Amon said as (Y/N) said nothing as she moves closer while still twirling her sword as he kept shooting till he was out of bullets.

Amon back away and throw his gun at her as she dodged it and twirl as she slice his leg. As he gasped and falls down to the ground. She twirls her right sword in her hand while having her left sword place on his neck as he looks at (Y/N) with anger and somewhat fear when he looks into her eyes. When he looks into her eyes, he can see hell's fire and the devil itself looking into his soul.

"You will pay for everything you have done to every girl in the world." (Y/N) said as Amon gulped and looks at her with fear.

"You can't save the world from my army of woman. There is to many," Amon said as she glares at him.

"Then I will send the message to them that the Red Room is down and we are all free from your wickedness, evil. I will stand and you will fall." (Y/N) said as she looks down at Amon as he was about to say something but with one slice she slice his head off.

(Y/N) took a deep breath in as her eyes turn back to normal and she felt at peace for once. The evil is dead, she look drop her sword and walks over to Jojo's body as she kneels and searches for the bomb console button. Once she found it, she walks over to the door but stopped as she falls down and coughs up some blood. She looks down at where she had stabbed and it reopened the wound as blood was coming through her suit. She looks ahead as the sun was rising as it was morning. She looks down at the button and runs her finger over the button before pressing it. The place exploded as she sits there with her eyes closed and tilt her head up, feeling the ground shake from the explosions.

"(Y/N)!" She open her eyes as she saw Alejandro running over as he stopped and picked her up bride style and start running away from the place. "Hang in there!"

(Y/N) eyes gone heavy and she close her eyes as she saw a bird in the sky before everything turns dark. Alejandro saw this and hurried to the others, where Gaz and Konig were already gone with the kids. Kim and Av took off with Soap and Ghost to the closed hospital, and Price was waiting in the car. Alejandro got into the car with (y/n) in his arms and Price took off to the hospital.

"She will be fine, she will be fine." Price said as he kept driving to the hospital and once they go there, the doctors took her in.

Kim and Av were there getting treated at as Soap was in the ER with Ghost. Price and Alejandro were in the waiting room waiting for any news from their group. Some time Gaz and Konig came in with worried looks and Alejandro told them what happened and they look shocked. They all sit and wait and Kim and Av joined them when they are done with being checked on.

"Av..." Price said as Av look over at him. "Thank you for keeping an eye out on my daughter."

"Anytime, she is like a daughter to me too, Price. She is a strong woman and she can take care of herself. Now that we are free from Amon and the Red Room, I think it's time to give up on fighting and live the rest of my life." Av told Price.

"But there will be some woman out there that will still work for the Red Room they don't know it's done now." Kim said.

"How you feeling, Kim?" Av asked.

"I'm okay...just miss Jojo...I'm going to the pub," Kim said and left as Av sighed and look at the men.

"We lost a great soldier today...and one friend turn against us. I did not know she will do that...so we lost two people." Av said with a sad voice and Price place a hand on her shoulder and she looks at him.

"I'm sorry for your lose at least you don't have to worry about your enemy," Price told her as she smiles and nods.

"Your right...well tell (Y/n) when she wakes up that this will be the last time she will see us. Kim might go back to her hometown and I will go around the world and try to find the others that don't know about the Red Room are down." Av told him as Price nodded.

"Be safe and if you ever need any help Task 141 is open for you," Price told Av as she smiles and walks off.

"Price?" A doctor walked up to them as everyone stood up and look at the doctor.

"That's me. Tell me, how are they?" Price asked as the doctor smiles a bit at him.

"We stabled them, I am surprised that (Y/N) is alive. But for Soap and Ghost those two will be alright might have to stay here for a couple of weeks and that includes (Y/n)." The doctor said as Price and the others look relived.

"Can we see them?" Gaz asked as the doctor nodded.

"Yes, they are in the same room in one of the bigger rooms that we have here, so all of you could see them together." The doctor said as everyone nodded.

"Thanks doc," Konig said as the doctor nodded.

"Well, let's go see our friends," Alejandro said, and they all head off to the room.

Once they got to the room, Ghost and Soap were up and sitting up as Ghost was still wearing his mask and Soap have a smile on his face. (Y/N) she was by the window, still sleeping as Price walks over to her and the others as whisper talking to each other. Price pulled a chair and look at her while holding her hand. He kissed her hand and hold it as he sits there and watched her sleep as he smiles at her. She is safe from the Red Room and she won the war her own war and she finished her mission. He knows that now and now that he is looking at her more; she is indeed the most beautiful woman she that she grew into.

"You are free, my little one. Don't worry, you can rest now," Price whispers as he looks at (y/n) as she was sleeping still.


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