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(Y/N) POV.

Morning came and the girls and I were ready and we headed off to a building that was near to where we camped at. Pulling out my sniper, and look into the telescope to see what we are dealing with. I saw about ten men, twenty women and some children.

"What are we dealing with?" Kim asked as I hand over my sniper to her and she looked for herself.

"About ten men and twenty women with kids. Looks like they are about to train the little ones. Plus, I don't see the leader of that guy there." I told them as they nodded.

"Abaddon will be there if kids are here. He is the one that stabbed you twice, once a little girl, and now that you are a woman." Av said, as I nodded.

"I never knew his name, but now I do, Abaddon...that asshole will die in my hands today." I said with a grumbled as the girls smirks at me. "So, do you know the leader?" I asked while looking at them as Kim and Av look over at Jojo and Jojo look over at Zoey.

"I only seen him once and his name is Amon...he is a cold blood killer. I mean, we all seen him but never heard his name, but I did when that bitch of his Viennese talked to him while saying his name." Zoey said as everyone nodded and I slowly nodded.

"Shit." Av mumbled as all of us look at her as she was looking through the telescope. "He is here with Viennese. I guess we should have brought some bombs or something."

"Well, that is a plus, but we need to get those girls out of there." Kim said, as I sighed.

"Look, I know I fake my death, but we need someone that can help us...my boys." I said as they look at me and then look at each other.

"Okay, I will call Price. Jojo, Kim, you two take out the snipers if they have any and take down the outside guards. Zoey, you take care of the woman. You are good at taking care of them and maybe get them on our side? And (y/n) you take down those men," Av told us as we nodded.

"Right!" We all head off.

"Here I come boys." I said as we head off while Kim stayed behind and make the call to Price.
Price POV.

The boys and I were sitting around just minding our own business as I can tell they are worried about (y/n) but I trust those other women. Just then my phone rang and I look at it as it was an unknown number. I picked it up hoping it was (y/n) telling us she was okay, but another female voice was on the other side of the line.

"Price? This is Av, the leader of the group that is going to take down the red room. We need you and your men on this. We can take care of the rest, but we need help to get the kids out of the place." Av said as I sat up and the others look over at me.

"Okay, where should we meet up at?" I asked as Av press something and there was a ding on my phone.

"Just sent you my location. Come here as soon as you can and help me get the kids out of here so we can blow this joint." Av said. "Be here in 5 minutes." With that she hangs up.

I stood up and look at my phone and saw the location that was we were at once. So that was the Red Room place? I thought to myself and I look at the men while putting my phone away.

"Alright men suit up (Y/N) needs us at 5!" I told them as they got up so fast and head off to get ready.

"So they need our help?" Alejandro asked as I nodded and get ready.

"Yeah, to get the kids out of there and then they will blow up the place." I told him as he looked shocked and smirked while heading off to get his gear on.
*Time Skip*

We made it to the location, and the place was up in flames already and we can hear gunfire. We head down with our weapons out and ready as some men and woman come at us and we shot fire at them as they fall to the ground. We split up as Ghost was with me, Soap and Gaz together, while Konig and Alejandro are together as well. Team Soap goes on the right as Team Alejandro head to the left where the kids are at while Team Price, my team head off to where all the fire is coming from. When we split, I saw a lot of dead people on the ground as this reminds me of when I first meet (y/n). I hear someone yelling till a body of a man falls in front of us but is still in the air as a rope is around his neck, killing him.

"Hello boys." Av's voice came as I look up and saw Av as she jumped down and put her knife away.

"Who are you?" Ghost asked as I step forward.

"Av right? It's nice to meet you." I said, as she nodded.

"Did you get your men?" Av asked.

"Yes, two are heading over while the other two are helping you girls out." I told her as she laughed.

"We need help? No, we just want you to get those kids out of here. We can take care of things here," Av said while pulling out a knife and turn around and throw it at a man that was slowly getting up but now falling down to the ground dead.

"Alright then, I will get my men to the kids." I said, as she nodded.

"Good, now get going." She said and walks off.

"Sir?" Ghost said as I sighed.

"Team Soap, meet up with Team Alejandro. We are getting the kids out of here." I said over the con.

"Roger that, Team Price." Soap said.

"Let's move out." I said and walks off with Ghost besides me.


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