!Bonus chapter!

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(this AU i made still doesn't have a name whatsoever sorry.
TW for panic attack, mention of dismemberment
(Credits to the artist!)
(Jake's POV)
Today was almost the same as every other day.
Wake up, eat breakfast, take test, get your daily dose of antibiotics and vaccines, do chores, do activities, eat lunch, take another test, get your daily dose of antibiotics and vaccines, do whatever you want for the past hour, take another test, eat dinner, shower, get your daily dose of antibiotics and vaccines and finally go to bed. It seemed pretty normal for like my entire life. That was until James, Aiden and Lake told us about what happened to Kai. And after we found the bodies of many others before us in the basement of the hospital.
I just stayed locked in my room after we found that. Obviously i was traumatized by what we found that day, and right now i was having a nightmare.
I heard a growling noise behind me, i turned to see a grotesque creature staring back at me, it opened its mouth as i saw everyone else entering it's mouth, all of them smiling and laughing, most were unaware of the situation, then i saw Tom and Miriam about to enter that things gaping mouth i screamed.

I sat up, it was a dream thank god, i was shaking, i felt tears falling down my face and i was staring at the bedsheets. Though i was staring at nothing.
I don't want anyone to die, me included, this is so unfair.
I kept mumbling to myself as i sobbed, i felt like shit knowing that we might die and that there's nothing we can do to stop it whatsoever.


I heard a familiar voice, i wanted to answer but i couldn't, i felt my own vocal cords paralyzed.


I couldn't answer, i don't want to die, i don't want anything like this to happen, the memory of that whatever that thing was in my nightmare taunted me.


I snapped back to reality when i felt someone shake me gently, I saw Tom with a concerned look in his eyes.
I wanted to say something but i still couldn't bring myself to say something.

Tom:Jake are you okay what happened?

I opened my mouth, still nothing, instead a sob come out instead as i buried my face on Tom's shoulder. I cried as i felt him wrap his arms around me and stroke my hair. It was what brought me comfort.

Tom:It's okay take your time.

After a while of comforting me i finally managed to calm down and i began to speak.

Jake:I had a nightmare, about something eating everyone, all of you dying. It felt traumatizing seeing how happy most of you looked, being unaware of what's happening and how something might be trying to wipe us all out.

Tom:Hey it's okay, it was just a nightmare.

Jake:Yet it felt so real.

Tom:But it wasn't afterall, i know i can't deny the fact that we might not survive but i promise that everything will be okay. Maybe there's still hope, who knows?

Jake:I don't know, it feels like we won't get out of here alive any time soon either.

Tom grabbed my hand and laid his other hand on my shoulder.

Tom:What matters is that we still have each other i guess.

I smiled and hugged him, he's not exactly used to hugs from what i know and maybe doesn't really enjoy them or any sort of physical touch, but he hugged me back regardless, i finally calmed down, we laid down together and cuddled.

Tom:It's going to be okay, i'll stay by your side for as long as i can.

Jake:And what if one of us dies, or both of us, would we become like ghosts or corpses?

Tom:Well either way i'm still gonna stay by your side.

I smiled at that thought, i was so glad that he was here with me at least.
Helping me and everyone through this hard time, that's something i've always admired about Tom.
He planted a kiss on my forehead as i began to feel my eyes getting heavy and slowly closing.

You promised you would stay by my side for how long you could.
Where were you when they were dismembering me alive Tom? I thought you were different.

(A/N: I will re-update this around November 20th since i have some upcoming tests for school.
Also sorry this chapter was short lol, hope to see you guys soon then, bye!!)

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