1. Introduction

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I lay disheartened on my bed, disappointed with  how today's events unfolded.

Reading minds is a power that anybody would be ecstatic to get.
But it can be awful at times, when you realise how fake people can be in front of you.

This is my second year of art school. And so far life has been nothing but dull. Telepathy was the only thing adding a little spice to my life, but it has its own demerits.

People don't say even 1% of their thoughts out aloud.
Whatever they say, however they act, is all a facade.


"Did you hear about the guy from block b? They relocated the rooms and now he's in the same block as us!"

"Ain't no way-"

I stood there leaning on the railings, wondering who the group of girls was talking about.

"Ain't no way i'm gonna let those bitches get him."

"I swear to God, I ain't gonna leave without getting him attracted to me"

Damn, is he really all that? I mean I've heard of a certain "white haired guy" before, but I've never seen him in person.

Hearing those girls fighting about him in their heads has heightened my curiosity.

An announcement commenced through the loudspeakers in the hallways.

"Attention to all sociology students of Block A and the newly relocated Block B students, your sociology class will be held in room 712 on the second floor from today onwards. Thank you"

Well, that's new. This is the first time we've been merged with the block b guys.
So many new thoughts to read. Fun.


A/N : I know the first chapter sucked, but please keep reading, it gets much better.

One Of Your Girls// Gojo Satoru × y/nDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora