15. I want you.

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We walk inside together, and I instantly regret asking him to come in.

Because my heart was pounding so fast I could faint if he was there with me another second .

  I was trying hard to maintain my composure, and not breaking into a sweat.

"Damn, nice place you've got here. I don't even have enough furniture to fill my place with" he says, looking amazed.

  Yeah. Says the guy with a Mercedes.

"That's unexpected, cuz I personally feel like my place is a dump. I just threw everything I had here and there and called it a "layout""
  "I'd rather live in a so called dump than a place that looks like a depressed psychiatrist's office"

      Do you wanna move in with me, I think to myself.

"Come, sit over here. I'll make you some coffee" I say, pointing towards the couch.

"Okay" he says.

I head into my kitchen and start making some coffee.

     But then, I realise something.
Those girls asked him out for coffee.
And right now, I'm making him coffee.

I dont know what i'm supposed to do with that information, but I do think about it for quite a while.

  I gather all the ingredients, except for one.

  It had been over a month since I'd made myself coffee, and I dont remember where I kept the coffee powder.

    I think I kept the coffee powder on one of the shelves when i was cleaning up the kitchen, thinking I could easily get it when I wanted to.
Oh boy, I was wrong.

   I stand on my toes to try and reach for it.

Nope. Still can't get it.

Maybe I should've checked before I invited him over.
And for what?
He shouldnt have agreed.

I tried my best to get the coffee powder, while simultaneously trying to not lose my balance.
When all of a sudden, a figure steps up behind me.

Oh lord. Shit.

   Satoru appears right behind me and easily grabs the coffee powder.

I expected him to back away, and give me some space.

But he pulls a typical Gojo move.

He doesn't move.

  For some reason, I feel scared to turn around.

It's like I know what I feel, but at the same time I dont.

It's like I know what it feels like to like someone, but what he makes me feel is something similar, but entirely different at the same time.

It's like I know that if I turn around,
    I would know exactly what I feel.

And its like, I don't want to face the severity of the realization.
  But at the same time, I do.

I turn around, afraid to look at his eyes.

   And as I expected, we were standing closer to each other than we should've been.

I see him laughing silently, probably the after effect as he'd been watching me miserably fail to get it off the shelf.

I can only assume that he was laughing so hard he forgot to back away.

But his expression instantly changes as he sees the look on my face.

  My cheeks had turned red, and they were burning.

   My heart was beating so loudly it drained out every other white noise.

I want him, I want him so bad.

It's so soon for me to feel this way, but I can't help myself.

   He keeps the coffee powder aside on the counter.

    I moved a step closer to him.
It's like we're so close, yet so far.

Right there, but not quite there yet.

I lose my balance, which is a typical thing that would happen to me in such a situation.

   As a reflex, I put my hands up to regain my balance, my body seeking an anchor.

    And I realise that my hands were now against his chest, just below his neck.

It was easy for me to reach upto there since he was leaning down at me.

But as if I was drunk, I wrapped my hands around his neck, again.
I do it as slowly as possible, scared of how he would react.
Scared of whether he'd let me.

   He gasps slightly at the action, but he doesn't pull away.

He doesn't pull away-
He doesn't.

     This feeling was all too familiar.
His face was once again, so close to mine.
And invariably, I look at his lips again, since I didn't even
have the space to look at the floor.

He reached out both of his hands and placed them on the counter on both the sides, eliminating the space between us.

I could hear him breathing loudly.

    My hands slowly slide up to his hair, my fingers entangling in the soft white strands.
    He doesn't tell me to stop.
So I do it myself.

  Stop, stop it,, I tell myself.

Gojo shifts his gaze from my eyes to my lips.

    My gaze doesn't budge.

"Y/n, I-" he is interrupted as my doorbell rings, and he quickly backs away like he should've done before.

I regain my balance as soon as I could and get the fuck out of there.
I dont know if I am thankful for the interruption or not.

I rush out of the kitchen, barely able to breathe.

   I take a long breathe and open the door.

"Y/n?" Shoko and Geto say together.


" I thought this is where Gojo lived? What are you doing here" Shoko asks.

   My heart skips a beat at the mention of his name.

Gojo comes to the door.
I move a little away from him.
I dont think I should be allowed to be within a one metre radius of him.

It's not good for my health.

"This is her place, I coincidentally moved in right across her apartment" he says, pointing his thumb behind them.

Suguru and Shoko look behind them, nod, and look at me.
But then they look at Satoru suspiciously.

"I invited him in for coffee" I say.

They look at each other at nod.



One Of Your Girls// Gojo Satoru × y/nWhere stories live. Discover now