11. The other woman

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"Satoru!" a certain gorgeous woman said, making both of us jump,and turn to look at her.

Shit. She's beautiful.

She looked like she could be a model, with long luscious hair which framed her face perfectly, and a body so perfect I can't even begin to describe it, and gorgeous features.

Why does my chest suddenly hurt?

I see that Gojo turns around and conjures up his glasses out of nowhere, and puts then on.

"Oh hey, Mei Mei, what are you doing here?" He asks.
But honestly he didn't look like he cared about her answer.
Or maybe that's just what I wanted to believe.

She dramatically places a hand over a heart.

"Ouch, Satoru. That hurt. You don't remember I live here?" she asks.

"Oh yeah- right, totally,i remember" he says, but I didn't need to read his mind to know he didn't.

Who the fuck is she. And why is she standing so close to my Satoru?? I better tell her to move away from my man., she thinks.

Her man?

"My man who's not my man yet" she thinks, as if replying to me.



Almost on instinct, I moved three steps away from Gojo. She seemed terrifying.

Why was I surprised? What, was I supposed to be like "wow, a gorgeous girl likes a gorgeous guy, and they look like they'd be the perfect couple?"

It was an obvious point.

He looks at me. I wonder why he wasn't letting me see those blue eyes now. Why did he wear his glasses all of a sudden? Not like he looked any less hotter but-

"Um excuse me, who are you?" She asked.
"I'm y/-"

"She's y/n, and I came here with her. Is there anything I can help you with Mei Mei? If not, I'd like to go about my way since I need to look around the place right now" he said.

I already showed him the entire place though.

"Look around? Wait- Satoru? You're thinking of moving here? Let ME show you around! You can come with me instead" she says.

Pfft. She thought she could leech onto him to gain popularity or something. Too bad she isn't me though., she thinks.

"No, it's okay. You can go ahead" he says.

Mei Mei was about to protest, but then I looked at my watch. It was almost time for me to submit my online pending assignments that I'd invariably left for the last minute. I think I'd left it as a draft somewhere.

I was thinking of an excuse to make. The tension in the air was so strong it could cut through me.

Or maybe I just wanted to get away from that woman. Jeez.

Gojo looks at me and stops himself from saying something.
I can't really read his expression, every time I try to, I feel like I get so close to figuring it out, but I can't.

"Let's go, Satoru" she says, grabbing Gojo's wrist and dragging him away.
They walk a few steps.

He stops in his tracks, making Mei Mei jerk backwards.

I realized I hadn't taken a single step, I was just standing there, watching her take him away with my hands in the pockets of my coat.

He turns around to face me, as if-
As if knowing I hadn't walked away.

"I'll see you around, y/n" he said, smiling as he said my name.

I smile at him, and wave.

What the fuck, Mei Mei thinks.


I went to my room and landed face down on my bed . That's what I do when I'm about to spiral down an array of thoughts.

I thought about everything. From the moment I spotted him in the crowd, getting goosebumps when I heard his voice from inside the classroom, rubbing the ink off his beautiful face, him wanting to walk with me, walking together on a surprisingly beautiful road back home, showing him around with the hopes he'd move in somewhere around here so I can see him, and then-
Another girl. A girl that- he seemed to be close with. A girl that , if given a choice, would certainly be chosen.

And the way she took him away from me.

The fuck. What am I doing?

Why is this affecting me so much even though I knew I'd end in up in a situation like this? With me coming undone with every interaction, wanting him all to myself even though that's nearly impossible.

No, I'm not giving in.
I'm NOT interested in him.

Pfft. We all know that's a lie.
And saying "I'm not interested in Gojo Satoru even in the slightest way" sounds ridiculous to a large extent.
I'm sure almost every person on the campus would agree.

I sigh, and then laugh at my stupidity.

I laugh mentally until I poured my frustration out.

God, I'm so stupid. I walked right into my own trap. I dug my own grave.

JEEZ, GET OVER IT, I force myself.

But still, I couldn't get over the small, minute details of everything.

The way he grabbed me, the way he looked at my lips, the way he easily let me touch him to get the ink off his face, the way he walked with me instead of his friends, the look on his face when he turned around, and-
And the way he didn't say I was a friend or something when he introduced me to Mei Mei.

"I came here with her. She's y/n" was all he said.

Was it because we weren't close enough to call each other "friends",
or was it because we weren't "just friends", so he didn't know what to say?

If I think there's a chance it's the latter, I'm a hundred percent sure I'm being delusional. It's making me feel so stupid.

But im sure whatever he makes me feel is way stronger than whatever I've ever felt, in my entire life, so far.


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