2. An unfamiliar face

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I waited for my friend Shoko outside the washroom, spinning a pen in my hand.

"Let's go!" She said, approaching me with a smile.

The reason she's my bestfriend is because I know she is genuinely a very kind person at heart.
Even in situations where a person would be expected to react in a rude way, she doesn't lose her cool.

She is filled with optimism, which makes everyone around her feel better, no matter how down in the dumps they might be.

I choose not to read her mind most of the time. It's something I can control, with a lot of willpower.

I have to really force myself to think about something in order to avoid reading a person's mind who's in close proximity with me.

"Hey, you know, I'm really happy this whole relocation thing happened. Now I get to be in the same class as Suguru".

"Suguru?" I asked, pretending like I haven't heard her think about him on several occasions.

She is in love with him.
"How do you not remember? He's that long black haired guy who's my neighbor, we've been friends since childhood"

"Oh yeah, right", I say, stifling a chuckle.



We walk towards the new classroom alloted to us, it was a long walk.

I suddenly feel someone catch up to us.
"Hey! Shoko!" He exclaims.

"Suguruuu!" Shoko says, with a wide smile on her face.

She makes it so obvious.

"This is my friend y/n, I've told you about her, remember"

"Oh yeah, hi y/n! I'm Suguru Geto, I used to be in block b.

"Yeah, I know. It's nice to meet you".

A group of girls walk past us. Two of them turning around to stare at Geto.

"Damn , another one."

We walk inside the huge classroom as all the students started filling in the seats.

Wait. I can't find the white haired guy. Isn't he in this class too? I can see his bestfriend though., some random girl thinks.

Huh? I think to myself. The "white haired guy" is supposed to be in this class?

"Suguru, where is Satoru? I don't see him around" I overheard Shoko ask Suguru.

"He's sick today, so he took a day off ." He replied.

I'd heard Shoko think about Satoru before too. But it was mostly her just being irritated with him.


As class ended, I walked out of the classroom with Suguru and Shoko tailing behind.

I didn't wanna third wheel. That's way too awkward.

"Um y/n, do you wanna come with us to the movies?" Shoko asked

The answer to that was an obvious no.

"Nah, you guys go ahead, I've got some pending assignments back home" I lied.

Thank god ,Shoko thought to herself.

I suppressed a smile.


The next day.

Unfortunately, on Saturdays Shoko and I don't have a single class together. And thanks to my terrible socializing skills, it meant that I was gonna have to be all by myself for the rest of the day.

After a painfully long day, my last class was over. I walked out of my classroom, with my bag slinging over one shoulder, spinning a pen in my other hand.

It's become a habit. It helps me to concentrate so that I don't read a million thoughts at once.


All of a sudden, one of my bandmates rushed forward and grabbed my shoulder.

"Y/n! I know you dont have music class today but we really need your help, the new guys are a mess. Maybe you can stay back now since this was your last class? Just for a while, please." She said, panting.

Honestly, I didn't mind. I am okay with being summoned into the music room anytime. Plus I don't have anything to do, since Shoko and Suguru said they were gonna hang out together again today.



I was dumbfounded for a good whole minute as I saw a certain godly man sitting in the music room.

He was the only face I didn't recognize there.
He had his legs crossed and rested his head on his palm.

He was certainly the most gorgeous man I'd ever seen.

He has white hair- so is he the one who all of the girls were talking about?

He looked at me and I couldn't help but freeze.

He was wearing glasses of some sort, but I could still see a glint of his eyes.

Those eyes.

"Hey uh, y/n, this is Gojo, Satoru Gojo. He moved here from the other division." Miyo, my bandmate said.

Satoru? As in Suguru's bestfriend?


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