20. Awkwardness

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I woke up the next morning, resisting the urge to just skip class today.

    I think I might have fucked up the whole thing.

  I was supposed to be mad at him and shit.
    But instead I made a fool of myself by acting all shy again.

  Ugh this is so embarrassing.
I kept contemplating, when suddenly my hand touched the phone beside my pillow.

It suddenly struck me.

"I'll text you" he'd said.

Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh is all I can repeat in my brain.

  Is he gonna text me??
So he's gonna text me.
Why is he gonna text me??

Fuck. I should just not go today.
No, wait, I should just move to a different continent and change my identity and face.

I'm broke though. Not everyone is Gojo-level rich.

I unlock my phone, rubbing my eyes to see properly.

  I see a new message.

I rub my eyes harder to be able to see clearly.

[blue-eyed giant] : hey

I stop breathing.

[blue-eyed giant] : u comin today?
[blue-eyed giant] : dont miss class

How the fuck did he know I was thinking of missing class?

I check the time.
He sent those messages at around 4am.

What was he even doing awake at that time? I collapsed on my bed at 1:20 am as soon as I headed downstairs.

Did he just stay up all night?

[me] : how did u know I was thinking of missing clas-

No. I'm not saying that.

*hits backspace*
[me] : who said I wasn't gonna come

I kept my phone back down, not expecting a reply since his last message was 3 hours ago.
   *ting ting*

What the?

[blue-eyed giant] : idk, just had a feeling

I roll my eyes. Is he psychic or something.

I groan and get up from my bed, totally unenthusiastic.

  But- the moments from the previous night start replaying in my head.


I shake off the thoughts and get ready.

Guess I'm going after all.


   I shared the first class with Shoko, so we met up together near the canteen and headed into the classroom.

   "So what's up with you lately?" She asks.

Well, if I think about it, basically nothing.

When does she plan to tell me about Satoru , she thinks.

My eyes go wide.

"Nothing, I've just been covering my notes and studying and stuff. Nothing new" I say, trying to imply I've got nothing going on in my love life.

She eyes me suspiciously.

"What about Sato-"

"HEY GUYS" Satoru interrupts, walking towards us with Suguru.

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