3. The first interaction

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Gojo stands up, and awkwardly approaches me.
"Hey, uh, y/n , is it? He asks me

I nod.

I hate to admit it but it's hard to speak with those blue eyes looking into yours.

"So, what are you gonna do?"

"Um im actually here to just hang out, will that be a problem?" he asks.

"No, it's cool"

He sits back down, crosses his legs again.
He starts talking to some of the other guys, as I make my way to Miyo.

Miyo shows me the newly recruited guys and I start asking them to show me what they can do.

I decided to avoid the swearing they gave me in their minds whenever I would correct them. Honestly that's relatable.

I am the lead singer as well as the keyboardist of the band.
No, screw that. I USED to be a lead singer and keyboardist, but everytime id get on stage there would be some kind of technical,issue, which ended with the entire performance being ruined.

I am now kind of like- their trainer?

I was checking to ensure that they could last in this band.

All of a sudden, I got a feeling that someone had his eyes on me.

I look straight at Gojo, who was now looking at me, instead of his friends.

I quickly looked away.
But then I noticed something-

I haven't read a single thought of his yet.

That's weird.
I look at him again, now concentrating, in order to read his mind.

I still cant. This has never happened before.

I forced myself to look away before he'd notice I was staring like a creep.
But then again, he's probably used to that.

After about 15 minutes, he got up and left, with his bag on slinging on his shoulder.

He turned to face his friends, gave them a fist bump, said bye, and walked away.

After the entire music room emptied, I sat there all alone, pondering hard over the last time I'd not been able to read someone's mind.

And I reached the conclusion that this was indeed, the first time, it happened.


The next day..

I tried to find my way to the new History classroom, they literally shifted all the classrooms and now I feel like I'm in one of those Hogwarts hallways with the moving staircases that lead to nowhere.

I'm confused as fuck, asking a few guys here and there for the directions and getting the same reaction-
"I ain't know shit,man"

As I kept searching for the classroom like it was a goddamn excursion, I accidentally bumped into someone.

I really had to break my neck to see the person's face.

Wait. It's the white haired guy. Jogo or something.
The guy whose mind I can't read.
But let's not talk about that right now.

"Oh, I'm sorry" I say.

"It's fine, by the way can you tell me where the fuck the new History class is? I've been searching for it since ages" he asks me.

"That's the exact same thing I'm doing, man" I say.
"Fuck, we're gonna be late then. I heard the history teacher of this block is a menace to society" he says, as we both rush through the hallways trying to find the classroom.

I had to follow him since he took off while simultaneously talking to me. Plus it was good I had someone with me or I would've started panicking and shit.

I had a hard time keeping up with him.
Finally, after minutes of roaming around like homeless people with our anxiety peaking, we finally found the classroom.

We were around 15 minutes late. Screw my life.

We both entered the classroom together, and we were met with several gasps and obvious pointings from the students.

And i wasn't dumb enough to not know the reason.

It was because Gojo was with me (I think that was his name?). We both got scolded by the professor for about 2 minutes , and he told us to go sit at the back. The rest of the classroom was completely filled.

We took out our notebooks and pens.

I pretended to pay attention to the teacher, while reading random people's thoughts.

It feels like Gojo was doing the same thing, since he kept talking to me in between.

"Do you understand anything?"

"I dont understand shit. I gave up studying in middle school" I replied.

Gojo covered his mouth to suppress his laugh.

I smile.

After the class is over, I pack up my stuff.
I turn around and see that Gojo already left with his friends, he was already at the door.
But he turned around and looked at me before he left.

I wonder what he was thinking.

After the last period, I went downstairs to the food stalls in the campus, to get some drinks for myself.

I spotted Suguru and Shoko sitting at a table, beside each other.

And Gojo in front of them.
Shoko turns around and sees me.
"Hey, y/n! Come take a seat!"

I approached them awkwardly, and then realised I'd have to sit beside Gojo now.

Great, I'm gonna try the mind reading thing again now.

Nope, it still doesn't work.

I didn't even realise I had been staring hard at Gojo's side profile for a while now, spacing out, consequently.

"Something wrong with my face?" Gojo asks, laughing.

No. Absolutely not. Your face is actually beautiful.
That's what I thought.
At that moment, I hoped against hope that GOJO wasn't able to read minds.

"Oh no, sorry, I was just spacing out".

He smiles. I notice he was wearing his opaque glasses again. I could see his eyes whenever he lowered his head.

"Guys, we could all to go a movie after this. It seems like y/n and Gojo are already acquainted". Geto says.

"We literally just met, dude." Gojo says.
"But yeah I'll go too"

They all look
at me, anticipating my answer.

I'll sit next to Geto, Shoko thinks.

I'll sit next to Shoko, Geto thinks.

I smile.

Knowing exactly why they would randomly invite two people who don't even know each other out of the blue.

They needed an excuse.

"Of course".


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