12. The exchange

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After I submitted the assignment that wasn't even important, * I'm pretty sure the professor himself forgot about it*, I let my exhaustion from all the overthinking and stressing out overcome me.

And I took a small nap.

To be precise,
I took a nap that lasted 5 hours.
By the time I woke up, it was already late.

Screw it.
Imma sleep.

I laid in bed, thinking of whether or not I'd show up to class tomorrow. I had a pretty solid attendance, so I'm sure missing a day or two wouldn't make much of a difference.

Why do I wanna be absent?
The answer is simple.

I just want a break from all of this.

And by the that I mean i needed a break from the overwhelming amount of oxytocin my body released whenever HE was around.
Yes. That's it.
I'll not see him for a couple of days, and I'll get over whatever I was feeling.

After all, it's only temporary.


By some miracle, I woke up the next morning with a high ass fever.

Now I had a legitimate reason to not show up to class, something other than "there's a boy that makes me feel things and it's unrequited so I don't wanna make a fool of myself and that's why I thought that not being around him for literally 2 days was gonna help me get over him but clearly it doesn't help"

The last part was a bit out of the script. But I feared that was the most probable outcome.

But it didn't help that the fever was so high that I felt dizzy, and I could only lay in my bed.

For 3 days.

Yes, I was sick for three goddamn days.

And in these three days, no matter how much I tried, I couldn't get over the fact that I-i missed him.

Here I was, wanting to stay at home so I don't have to see him, and then missing him the next very second.


The fever was still fine, but the nauseating dizziness wasn't.

On the third day, I managed to get up and study a bit, and I also completed my assignments.
After that, when it was already dark outside, I bored myself to death.

So I started doing something really productive-
Mindlessly scrolling through reels.

Damn. My life is so boring.

I scrolled through hundreds of reels, and when I decided that even reels had failed to provide some entertainment, I decided to sleep.

When all of a sudden,
*ting ting*
I received a notification on my phone.

I expected it to be shoko, since she kept blowing up my phone for the past 3 days. I had to keep reminding her I was alive.

It was a message from an unknown number.
I was surprised to see it wasnt shoko. Nobody else really ever messaged me.

*unknown number*


[sender] : y/n are u ok? U haven't been coming to class.

[sender]: are u sick

[sender]: ARE U ALIVE??

[sender]: oh yes I can see ur online

[sender] : wait- WHAT IF UR KIDNAPPED

[sender] : kidnapper if ur seeing this, I'm gonna beat ur ass up tbh

[sender] : I'm serious

I laugh out loud. I had a feeling I knew who this is.

[me] : hello who is this

[sender] : its me

[me] : ?? No shit it's you. But who are u

[sender] : oh fuck
[sender] : I forgot u don't have my number :')

[sender] : I'm Satoru

Fuck. It's him.

[me] : oh hey, gojo

*I save his number with trembling hands*

[blue-eyed giant] : wait wait

[blue-eyed giant] : u should call me satoru tbh

My heart skipped a beat.

[me] : satoru? why doe


[blue-eyed giant] : ah yes that's more like it.

He didn't answer that question.

[blue-eyed giant] : so yeah, why haven't u been showing up? It's kinda boring without you

[blue-eyed giant] : I've been thirdwheeling shoko and suguru so hard

[me] : ikr. tell me ab it. I just have a high fever and it's okay now.

[me] : wait wait hold on
how'd u get my number?

[blue-eyed giant] : I asked shoko for ur number.

[blue-eyed giant] : :-)

[me] : did u miss me that much lol

Fuck. Why did I ask that.

[blue-eyed giant] : yes, I did.


[me] : wait, fr?


[blue-eyed giant] : yes. like a lot.

My heart skipped a beat again.

[me] : *laughing emoji*

[sender is typing]




*stops typing*


[blue-eyed giant] : hey I'm sorry if mei mei seemed rude that day

[me] :no no, it's fine. She wasn't rude at all.
But who the fuck is she? Do u like her? is what I wanted to ask.

But I realised i had no authority to ask him that whatsoever.
Who even was I to him.?
Someone that he spoke to when he was bored.
Yes, that's all.

And as if he magically read my mind-

[blue-eyed giant] : she's just an ex classmate by the way. I guess we're kind of like friends?

He didn't have to add that "just", did he?


One Of Your Girls// Gojo Satoru × y/nWhere stories live. Discover now