22. If only you knew

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"Just, just stay with me, please" he says, slowly sliding his hand down to meet mine, as he holds it tightly in his.

Why are you doing this? Why?, is what I wanted to ask, but I couldn't bring myself to.

Cuz these moments, I don't want them to end.

And I have this fleeting feeling that, if I do question him about all this, they will end.

I dont say anything, and just stand there, staring at our hands that were clasped together tightly.

Mei Mei turns around to look at us, and her eyes invariably move to our hands.

I had this immense urge to let go of his hand, but he didn't let me.

He held it even tighter.

I look at him, confused.

Why would he want her to see this?

"We gotta go, Mei Mei, we have this project that we need to urgently work on. If she hadn't reminded me about it, I would've certainly forgotten" Gojo says, as if he hasn't spoken a truer word before in his life.

"Bitch wha-" I begin but he was already dragging me away.

I was mentally preparing myself to snatch my hand away in a dramatic way like they do in movies and ask him "what is wrong with you" but my reaction time was way too slow and he let go of my hand himself, slowing down his walking pace.


"So, you gonna tell me what that was or-"

"I didn't know what else to do" he says, smiling, looking up at the sky.

"And I'd much rather be walking next to you instead" he says.

Hellll no.
I'm doomed.

I didn't know what to say, and we just walked next to each other in silence, with me occasionally looking up at him.
He had a soft smile on his face, and I wondered why.

"By the way, we really do need to work on that damn project dont we" he says, stopping all of a sudden.
I facepalm myself.

"You're right, I havent even opened that damn notebook since that day" I say.

"We're lucky our History class has been getting postponed for days since our teacher is sick" he says.

"Damian really is all talk, huh. He doesn't do anything himself but likes ordering people around" I say.

"Yeah, dude's got a stick up his as-"
"SATORU-" I say.

He stops walking again, and I turn around with a questioning look on my face.

"Hmm? Why did you stop?" I ask.

He tilts his head to the side, and sighs.

A sigh that sounded like a melody to my ears.

That's how attracted I am to him.

He takes a breath, and says-
"Say that again"


"Say what you said before this"



I look at him, confused , again.


"I like it when you say my name." He says, and begins casually walking again, leaving me stunned behind him.

"WHY?" I ask, catching up to him.

He looks at me.
"What do you mean, why"

"WHY do you like it when I say your name?" , I ask, expecting him to say something like "I like it when anyone says my name". But instead-

He shrugs. "I don't know. But I just do"

I tilt my head, and I dont think the confused look on my face is gonna leave anytime soon.

Is he that oblivious? Or does he not like me to the point that he never intends to make me feel this way and is just being friendly?
But why?

Why do I have to suffer, just because he's oblivious?

"Come on, let's work on that project" he says, breaking the silence.

"Like- together?Why?" I say.

He stops again, but doesn't turn around.

"You ask too many questions, you know" he says.

I dont say anything.

We were just about to reach our building, but then I spotted someone familiar.

It was Yuji Itadori, my first-year friend.

He spots me, and comes running.

I find him adorable, he's always so full of energy.

   Gojo stands behind me and leans his head to speak into my ear.

"Who's he?" He asked.

Resisting the urge to say "your mom", I said "That's Yuji Itadodi, a first year.
He's a great friend of mine"

   He looks skeptical.

"Hmm. I see" he says, bluntly.

"Y/n!!! Hiiii!!!" Yuji says, but stops when he sees Gojo shadowing over me.


"Hey, I'm Satoru, a second year."

Yuji nods, but doesn't say anything.

"And I'm also her neighbor" he says.

Yuji looks inquisitively at me.

"That's it?" He says, awkwardly.

I sigh.

I look at Satoru, who was already looking at me.

"Yeah." I say,
"That's it"

I look at up Gojo, and he looked-
I can't describe it.

It was weird.
I couldn't read his expression yet again.
It was like he felt a hundred different emotions and his face was the resultant.

But I mean, he could've said something, right?

He didn't even say that we were friends.

All he said was "we're neighbors"

"Oh well, nice to meet you, but I gotta go now" he says.

A friend of Yuji's called for him, so Yuji excused himself to leave.

   We start walking again, almost at our building.

   He was trailing close behind, so he starts to catch up.

"So, Yuji got a thing for you huh" he says, grinning.

   I dont care if he does.

"How can you tell?" I ask

"I just can" he says, shrugging.

I look ahead again, feeling disappointed.

"You should consider him, he seems like a really nice guy" he says.

I feel- angry.

"You SHOULD JUST- leave it." I say, letting my temper slip, and raising my voice.

I instantly regret it.

He has no obligation to keep tending to me.
Hell, he doesn't even like me.
It's only more obvious now.
He's literally setting me up with someone else.

  "I'm sorry if I said anything rude" he says, and I can see that he's trying to look confused, but he knows exactly what he's doing.

  It's like he was trying to know what I felt about Yuji,but-

But somehow it feels like he doesn't know what I actually feel.

For him.

If only-
If only he knew.


One Of Your Girls// Gojo Satoru × y/nWhere stories live. Discover now