More Time With Lyra

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Leaving Lyra was the last thing I wanted in this world, even with all the bruises, casts, and wires surrounding her. Despite her injuries, she remained the most stunning woman I had ever come across. The wait for her to wake up and the opportunity to meet her felt excruciating and long. It's only been a few minutes since I left her side, yet it already feels like an eternity.

The nurse informed me I could return later at my convenience. After taking a nap, I plan on going back to see her. I'm certain I can find time to swing by and see her before I have to arrive at the family dinner tonight. Jace will bring Vega with him, allowing everyone to meet her. Tanner and I are the only ones who have met and spent time with her. It's quite surprising, considering they have been in a relationship for six months.

Once I arrived home, I grabbed a bottled water and walked to my room. I stripped down to my underwear and crawled into bed, guzzled my water, then laid down. I set my alarm to wake me up at four o'clock. And it wasn't long before I split into a deep dark dreamless slumber.

My alarm went off at four o'clock, and I woke up and made myself presentable for dinner at my parents' tonight. I grabbed my phone, keys, and wallet, got in my truck, and took off to the hospital. It's nice that I will have an hour to spend with Lyra before having to leave her again.

The nurse from earlier had cleansed Lyra, leaving her with a radiant aura. As she lay there, a sense of tranquility emanated from her. The moniker "Sleeping Beauty" suited her. If only she would awaken. I longed to witness the twinkle in her emerald eyes, despite the swelling and bruising of her left eye. Leaning in, I pressed my lips to her forehead, grasped her hand, and settled myself down. The room exuded a sterile scent, and the soft hum of medical equipment provided peace of mind that Lyra was alive.

"Hello, beautiful. I'm back, but only for a little while, as I have a family dinner to attend. Tonight, Jace will bring Vega so that everyone can meet her. It would be wonderful if you could heal and wake up soon. Perhaps one day, you could join me and I could show you off. I suppose it all depends on how strong our connection is upon meeting each other. Deep down, I believe you are my soulmate, but I won't have confirmation until you wake up. Please, Lyra, wake up and be with me. I need you," I pleaded, reaching for my phone to play some music.

"I know we haven't officially met yet, but Lyra, I love you, and it breaks my heart to see you like this. Unfortunately, I'm about to become busy at work, so this may be the last chance I have to see you for a while. Please, don't leave me. Fight this and come back to me. I promise to do everything within my power to take care of you and bring happiness into your life."

Grasping Lyra's hand, I then sat with Lyra for another forty minutes before I had to leave. I hoped to stay here with her. Bending down to kiss her cheek, I then whispered, "Come back to me, love. So that we can start our lives together. Don't stay gone too long, beautiful."


As the man from my dream reappeared, my soul danced with elation. I could vividly sense his warmth as his lips met my forehead and his touch enveloped my hand. It was his gentle caress that shattered the void of emptiness, allowing me to feel something, anything. Yet, an unshakable sense of captivity looms, as if an eternal confinement within the recesses of my mind keeps me forever entrapped.

As his gentle whispers brushed against my ear, a desperate cry echoed within my soul, longing to surrender to his beckoning. But no matter how fervently I yearned to break free, the shackles of my subconscious refused to release me. When he spoke of his prolonged absence, my desire to awaken intensified, pleading for respite from this unyielding coma. The sight of him walking away was unbearable, tormenting my heart with the hope of his swift return. Did he not comprehend the depths of my need for him? It bewildered me, for whenever his touch graced my skin, an electric surge coursed through my veins, igniting my senses. Yet, amidst this paradox, nothing else reached my awareness. It defied all logic, leaving me bewildered and entrapped in this inexplicable state.


I find it frustrating how hectic work has become. It looks like it will be a few months, at the very least, before I can visit Lyra again. However, I hope she will awaken from her coma soon. No matter what task I am involved in at the moment, once she regains consciousness, I will be by her side.

I'm running behind schedule as I make my way to my parent's house. I know for a fact that Mom is going to throw a fit when I walk through the door. She's even worse than me with people being late. However, it'll all be worth it because I got to see Lyra. As I park my car in the circle drive, I glance at my Rolex and realize that I'm already fifteen minutes late. With a heavy sigh, I jump down from the truck, slam my door, and start walking up the walkway.

It wasn't surprising to see my mom waiting in the foyer with her cellphone in hand. As if she were about to call me.

"Blaze, there you are," mom exclaimed with relief. "I was wondering if my son would make it to family dinner tonight." She reached out, grabbing my hand, and pulled me into the living room.

"Sorry, mom, I had a prior engagement that ran late. I'll try not to let it happen again."

All her anger dissipated upon reaching Vega and Jace. Excitement bubbled up in her voice as she hugged Vega. "Have you met Vega? I can't believe Jace has kept her away for so long! Several months have passed and I've been begging for him to bring her!"

Grinning, I shook Vega's hand. "Yes. We met a week ago at the ranch house we completed a few months ago."

"Come on! We have another surprise for you," my mom exclaimed, leading me towards my Uncle Jason and his girlfriend. "You need to meet Crystal, your uncle Jason's girlfriend. At first, she is quiet. However, after getting used to all of us, she became so much more outgoing. She's hilarious. I can tell that she's going to be good for your uncle. It was quite a surprise that he brought someone since he has dated no one since your aunt Chloe left."


Last night was amazing. Jace had brought Vega and introduced her to everyone. My uncle Jason, Jace and Tanner's dad, had shown up with a date named Crystal, who had clung to his side all night.

I could see how perfect she would be to my uncle Jason. I don't remember my Aunt Chloe all that much, but I remember her never being a good mother figure to Tanner or Jace.

She had always left them both at our place to do whatever it was she went to do. When my uncle showed up to functions with my Aunt Chloe, she tried her best to stay away from everyone. She was always distant and wanted nothing to do with me, her kids, or Conner and Wade.

It was as if kids were a nuisance to her. Crystal was different, though. Grant it, there weren't any kids around, but she was all about getting to know everyone. She was shy at first, but then once she got comfortable, she had been the life of the party like my mom said she was.

It's still awkward being around Vega. That she's the spitting image of Lyra throws me off. But I know that will pass once Lyra wakes up and we can interact with one another.

Before everyone left, Jace announced that he and Vega were going to church and asked if anyone wanted to come with them. That random explanation had everyone floored, including me. Because no one in our family has ever stepped foot in a church. The priceless shocked looks on the faces of Rebecca and Richard, who were there last night, were noticeable.

In the end, I was the only one who had taken them up on their offer, as it seemed like the best place to go to get in contact with God. While I've always believed in God, I never saw the importance of going to church. However, considering Lyra's need for all the help she could get, reaching out to God seemed like the best course of action to take.

It's Sunday morning, and I have dressed and been ready for an hour. As I sit here, waiting for a text message or call from Jace to let me know where I needed to go, thoughts about where Vega and Lyra live cross my mind. I remember the dream I had, where Vega showed up with Jace at the ranch. Despite my intuition, I still wait for Jace to send me the address. The text arrives, and it confirms my suspicions. I run a hand down my face, take a deep breath, and get up from my recliner. Making my way to the garage, I punch the door to open it, then walk over to my truck. Opening the door, I climb in and prepare to depart.

As I backed out of my driveway and headed to Vega and Lyra's house, I couldn't help but think, "Well, here I go." The anticipation grew with each passing thought, and I became more and more excited to see what the girls had done to the place.

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