Celebration Time

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Vega and I have reconciled, of course, because we can never stay mad at each other for too long. However, this wedding planning has transformed Vega into a Bridezilla, even though we haven’t started preparing for anything yet. For the most part it is Vega who always has it all together. She's the level headed one, not so much myself. But we seem to have switched places for the time being.

I told her about the dream I had of us getting married at a beach somewhere. Which helped her understand why I wanted a double wedding. In my dream, we were on a beach, so the setting would differ from what I witnessed in that dream, but that’s alright. It got me thinking that maybe we could go to the coast for our honeymoon.

This week, we reached out to Kathleen regarding the design and creation of our wedding dresses. She has a fantastic talent for making dresses, and it’s a process that often requires a significant amount of time. Fortunately, we already have our venue sorted out in advance - our own backyard. Kathleen took our measurements and listened to our ideas on Tuesday, and just yesterday, she showed us her ideas. We’re delighted because we know the wedding dress designs we chose are going to be stunning.

It’s now Saturday and we’re out shopping for formal dresses for the engagement party tonight. Meanwhile, the guys are busy getting fitted for tuxedos. It turns out Blaze’s mom and ours got together and decided on a luxurious black-tie affair. I have mixed feelings about it–apprehension and excitement. Honestly, I’m tempted to say “kill me now,” but I'll just have to wait and see how it goes.

Mae, enjoying her day off, joined us. As I finished putting on the fourth dress, chosen by Vega, I glanced at myself in the mirror. The black silk floor-length off-the-shoulder dress hugged my figure, making me feel elegant and confident. It will delight Vega when she sees me. The subtle scent of silk filled the air as I admired the slit on the side, which revealed a glimpse of my right thigh. The soft touch of the fabric against my skin made me appreciate its beauty even more.

“Oh my goodness, Lyra, Blaze will freak out when he sees you in that dress. It’s stunning,” Mae said as I stepped out from the changing room and turned around.

Stepping out next, Vega appeared in a white dress that complemented my black one. Throughout our lives, we’ve always been yin and yang, so these dresses were an ideal choice.

“You both look so elegant in those dresses,” Mae exclaimed. “But now it’s time to find you a pair of heels to complete your outfits. We still need to eat lunch, and our hair appointments are at two o’clock. It’s already twelve, so let’s get moving!” With a gentle push, she guided us back into our dressing rooms.

“We love you, Mae; thank you for sticking with us even though we’re crazy,” Vega and I said in unison, and we all laughed.


Blaze emerged from the bathroom, exuding an air of elegance that made him look like a million bucks. In his sleek black tuxedo, he was a sight to behold, igniting a fire within me. I yearned to seize the moment and pounce on him, but our hurried pace prevented it. Seeing Blaze in that tuxedo is irresistibly captivating, appealing to my senses and leaving me longing for more. The sexual tension and pulsing between my legs will have me on edge throughout the night. 

“You guys ready? We’re going to be late,” Jace yelled from the kitchen.

Blaze’s hunger consumed him as he grabbed hold of me and kissed me passionately. “Lyra, you have no clue how much I want to ravish you right now. Your beauty overwhelms me, leaving me breathless,” he expressed. Eager to not miss our engagement party, he took my hand and urged me towards the door.

Serendipitous Dreams (The Cunningham's Book One)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon