The Wait Is Over

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I'm unsure of the duration I've been in this dream world of mine, but it's quite pleasant here. Therefore, I believe I'll choose to stay. Who would return to a fractured mind and a damaged body? Not me, that is for certain.

In my enchanting dreamland, the air carries whispers of mythical creatures, their existence seen only in words and on screens. When Vega graced my presence, reality embraced me, but as she departed, I slipped back into the dream. Here, unicorns prance with grace, dragon's roar with thunderous might, and centaurs gallop through lush meadows. Fairies flit and shimmer, their delicate wings creating a symphony of tinkling melodies. The salty breeze carries the lingering scent of the sea, where mermaids splash in iridescent waters. Even the earthy aroma of damp moss hints at the presence of werewolves and other shape-shifting beings who call this ethereal dream realm their home.

My mind has taken me to another planet altogether. Where different races of humanoid creatures live. Maybe all of those stories my mom has told Vega, and I about the planet Lyra, have molded their way into my subconscious. My mom should write a book about this supposed planet we all lived on in a past life. She would make millions.

In the depths of the night, the universe erupts in an explosion of vivid, luminescent hues. A realm adorned with two mesmerizing moons unfolds before me, a sight beyond words. It's a perplexing sensation, as if traversing through a reverie. The line between reality and illusion blurs, leaving me bewildered in the wake of such palpable authenticity. One fateful night, an ethereal being, my guardian angel swept me away. My damaged mind plays tricks, making it arduous to discern the boundaries of fantasy and truth. Although I am not departing from this world, I find myself trapped in an ethereal limbo, a realm of dreams so extraordinary that it surpasses the comprehension of ordinary souls.

It is like that movie, the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe. You know, where the kids show up in Narnia, everyone knows who they are. But here they call me Alexi Anna. It's always nice to have time to be a whole new person. And being here is the only way I can do that at the present moment.

They immersed me in the tranquil sanctuary of my little dream world, feeling content. However, my sense of tranquility shattered when Vega, who had become my anchor to reality with her daily presence, announced that she wouldn't be seeing me the following day. It was as if someone had flipped a switch in my mind, and my mystical realm vanished, leaving behind only a suffocating darkness. In that abyss, I awaited Vega's return, unsure of how much time had passed in that dreamless void. Through the oppressive darkness, I heard Vega's voice, offering a glimmer of hope. I willed myself to awaken, to make even the slightest movement, but my body betrayed me, refusing to respond. Panic gripped me, intensifying with each passing moment.

'Am I going to be forever stuck in this vegetated state? Is this going to be my life? Am I ever going to wake up?' I screamed within the confines of my mind.

It's incredible what unfolded next. Amidst the eerie silence, a deep, resonant voice pierced through the air, reaching my ears. Gradually, the sensation returned, coursing through my limbs like a gentle electric current. Although unfamiliar, the man's voice gave a soothing calmness, alleviating the overwhelming anxiety that had consumed me. I had the chance to listen to someone other than Vega's relentless chatter. As the tingling sensation enveloped my entire being, I longed to leap with uncontainable joy, if only I could. Yet, despite the resurgence of feeling, my body remained immobile.

'Come on, Lyra, all you have to do is raise a finger. Just one freaking finger. Wake up Lyra.' I thought to myself, however, nothing happened.

I could feel the gentle, yet unsettling sensation of someone shifting my broken leg, a remnant of the crash. The pain wasn't as intense as I had expected. Instead, it manifested as a dull, persistent ache. It's difficult to put into words, but that's when my senses heightened, my brain going into overdrive. A lump formed in my throat, constricting my airway, and my heart raced. It was a suffocating, visceral experience, as if I were reliving the agony of dying all over again. Every breath became a struggle, my body attempting to trigger the gag reflex, but the foreign object lodged in my throat obstructed any relief.

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