New Year's Eve

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Jace greeted me with a wink as I strolled into the kitchen. “Morning, Blaze. The coffee’s fresh if you’d like some. Are you ready for tonight?”

I reached for a ceramic mug from the wooden cabinet, its smooth surface cool against my fingertips. Then poured the rich, aromatic coffee into the mug, the dark liquid swirling. As the steam rose and curled towards my face, a warm, comforting earthy aroma of the freshly brewed beverage filled the air.

Turning my focus to Jace, I offered my gratitude with a contented smile. “Thanks for the coffee, man.” Bringing the mug to my lips, I took a slow sip, savoring the boldness of the black coffee that suited my taste. A deep hum of satisfaction escaped my throat as the warmth of the liquid cascaded down, enveloping my senses in its soothing embrace.

Leaning closer to Jace, I voiced my request. “Could you ask Vega to take Lyra somewhere for a couple of hours? Perhaps they could go dress shopping or something. I need some time to set up everything in the backyard for tonight.” 

Jace followed my lead, grabbing a mug and pouring himself a cup of coffee. “Of course,” he said. “I’m sure Vega wouldn’t mind. If you want, I could help you set things up outside. I have some free time until Vega and I leave later this evening.”

As we both sat down at the table, I realized it was my turn to cook breakfast. But I needed a cup of coffee to wake me up. Without it, I would be dead on my feet. It was eight o’clock on a Saturday morning, and I knew the girls wouldn’t be awake for at least another hour. I had learned the hard way never to wake Lyra up before nine o’clock on a Saturday unless I wanted to deal with a monster breaking through the surface. Yet, I also knew that if there wasn’t anything ready for breakfast once the girls woke up, both Jace and I would face the same wrath from these hungry monsters.

“Jace, it would be fantastic if you could assist me. I need to go to my parent’s house to retrieve the table, chairs, lights, and decorations that I took there. It would be great if you could come along with me. Putting up those lights is going to be time-consuming, so it would be excellent if you could lend a hand.”

After sitting quietly for a few more minutes, enjoying our coffee, I stood up. Placed my empty mug in the sink and then headed to the refrigerator to find something to cook for breakfast. Bacon, eggs, and sausage seemed like a good choice. I pulled them out of the refrigerator and laid them out on the counter. Next, I grabbed three large skillets from the overhanging compartment and began cooking.

Jace walked over to the sink, deposited his mug, and began collecting plates and silverware to set the table. As he worked, he asked, “Are you nervous, man? I mean, when it was my turn to propose to Vega, I was a bundle of nerves. I don’t even know why, really. Not that I thought she would say no. My biggest worry was whether she would like the ring. I wasn’t sure if it would be her style, but to my relief, she loved it.”

While flipping the bacon and sausage, I nodded in agreement. “Yeah, that’s the only thing I’m worried about,” I admitted. “It’s not your ordinary diamond ring. It matches the jewelry I got her for Christmas. Sometimes I think I should have picked out something else. However, if she doesn’t like the ring, I guess we could always go ring shopping together.”

I cracked several eggs into a bowl, carefully discarding the eggshells in the garbage bin. Next, I added a splash of milk and a couple of pinches of pancake batter. According to my mother, adding pancake batter to scrambled eggs makes them fluffier and imparts a delightful sweetness. To enhance the flavor, I sprinkled in some salt and pepper. Then I began beating the mixture together, preparing to make scrambled eggs.

After setting the table, Jace strolled back over and collected some glasses from the cabinet. He began pouring milk and juice into them. “Nah, I bet Lyra will love the ring you picked out. Learn from me. The ring isn’t something you should worry about.”

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