The Wine Vineyard

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“Alright, girls, let’s discuss what we’ll be doing with your hair today. My suggestion is a half-updo, with a beautiful pink rose tied up in the center. Given that all of you have such long, wavy hair, it’s the perfect opportunity to show it off. Mae, even though your hair is straight, we can still create the same hairdo using a curling iron. Trust me, it will look just as gorgeous,” explained Dalia, our talented hairstylist. Amber and Stephanie, the other two stylists, nodded in agreement.

“Dalia is right, don't you think? But I'm open for other suggestions if you two don't like it. What do you two think? Do you both like this one?” I asked, as we all turned our attention to the image in one of Dalia’s bridal hairstyle magazines.

“That’s beautiful,” Mae said. “I think it’s perfect. Let’s go with this style,” she continued. Lyra nodded in agreement.

Dalia began styling my hair while Stephanie focused on Lyra’s and Amber attended to Mae’s hair. After finishing our hairstyles, they moved on to applying our makeup. It was an unfamiliar experience for me, as I had never worn this much makeup before. However, when I glimpsed myself in the mirror, I couldn’t help but appreciate how beautiful I looked.

At that very moment, a sharp knock reverberated through the room, catching our attention. As the door swung open, the sweet scent of mom’s perfume filled the room, intertwining with the fresh floral aroma of Diana’s presence. They entered the room, their arms laden with a multitude of vibrant dresses. With a gentle touch, Diana passed the dresses to Lyra and Mae, who grasped them, their fingertips brushing against the soft fabric. As they made their way to the connecting bathroom, the sound of their footsteps echoed against the tiled floor, creating a rhythmic melody. The anticipation in the air was palpable as we awaited their transformation in the bridal suite.

Mom and Diana left, then returned with my dress, their excited chatter filling the room. As they unfolded the garment, I couldn’t help but notice its immense size, enough for two of me to fit in. What on earth was I thinking? Ah, yes, my desire to feel like a princess. Instead of the traditional white, I opted for a light pastel pink, my favorite color. Lyra had scoffed at my choice, but the hue had grown on her.

With anticipation coursing through me, I allowed them to help me into the dress. Its off-the-shoulder straps stressed my now more ample, rounded pregnancy bosom, while the V neckline added a touch of allure. As I slipped into the gown, I couldn’t help but feel extraordinary. The fabric, a luxurious combination of silk and lace, engulfed me, creating a sense of opulence. The dress, with its puffy silhouette, seemed to float around me, exuding a regal aura.

Meanwhile, Mom and Diana worked hard, their movements filled with urgency, as they straightened out the train that spans out a couple of yards. Their efforts paid off, and as they took a step back, their gasps of awe filled the room. I could only imagine the vision that stood before them, a breathtaking sight that exceeded all expectations.

“Oh, Vega,” mom exclaimed, her eyes filling with happy tears. “Your dress is gorgeous, sweetheart. I have never seen a wedding dress like this before. Jace is going to be stunned when he sees you coming down that aisle.”

As I felt overwhelmed, tears threatening to well up, Diana intervened, preventing me from joining my mom in crying. “Don’t ruin your makeup, dear,” she advised. “Your mom is right. That dress is stunning, but it pales in comparison to the beauty of the woman wearing it. I’ve raised Jace as if he were my own son. Your mother is correct. When he sees you, you'll enrapture him!” And we all shared a laugh.

As there was a knock at the door, dad walked in, looking all decked out in a tuxedo. “Where are Lyra and Mae?” he asked. “It is time to begin.” 

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