A Month Later Christmas

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This month has been fantastic ever since Lyra and I connected. Right from the start, we realized that we never wanted to be apart. In fact, within just a week, Lyra asked me to move in with her. Falling asleep and waking up to her in my arms every morning is incredible. And the best part? I'm able to be home every night by six o'clock, no longer working late into the night.

Lyra and I have established a routine where we take turns cooking dinner every other night, together with Jace and Vega. It's a wonderful opportunity for us to sit down at the table and enjoy each other's company. What's even more remarkable is that everyone seems thrilled that I've let go of my uptight demeanor. In fact, just two weeks ago, Lyra and Jace made a life-changing decision to go to the altar and embrace salvation. It's been a month filled with incredible moments and blessings.

We celebrated Thanksgiving at my parent's house, where my mother adored Lyra and was glad to spend over ten minutes with her for once. It was heartwarming to see my mom so happy for me, knowing that I had found my soulmate. I've had the chance to bond with Lyra's parents as they visit us twice a week for dinner, which has been a wonderful experience.

However, last week, Lyra and I had a pregnancy scare. There's no question I want to have babies with her. I believe it's best for her to finish college first. After waking from the coma, Lyra had taken the pill because they had removed her implant during surgery. When it was time for her period, it didn't happen, so I had accompanied her to her gynecologist. They had performed a blood test to check for pregnancy, as a urine test wouldn't have been accurate at that stage. Fortunately, Lyra wasn't pregnant, and she could have a new Nexplanon implant inserted in her arm. Two days later, I had taken her back to have the implant put back in. With this contraceptive, we can ensure Lyra's protection against pregnancy for the next three years.

Lyra joined me at work today since I knew I would be in the office. I have a couple of interviews scheduled to find someone to replace Vega and get them trained before Vega and Lyra head back to college. It would be amazing if Taylor appeared in the doorway. No one has heard from Taylor since she left in September. During the week Lyra was in a coma, things were difficult. But if Taylor walked in right now, the job would instantly be hers.

God must have listened to my thoughts because Jace walked in a few minutes later. "Blaze, you'll never guess who just walked through the door."

I raised my eyebrows at him. I don't have time for this.

"Fine, Blaze. You're such a buzz kill sometimes. Taylor just walked in, and she has a baby with her. She needs to talk to you."

"Why would she have a baby with her?"

"Yeah, man, she never looked pregnant. So I don't know. Maybe she babysits or something like that."

He shrugs and makes his way back towards the door.

"Well, send her in. Don't make her wait out there if she has a baby with her."

"Lyra, my dear, would you like to spend some time with Vega for a while? I'm uncertain about the situation with Taylor. It might be a personal matter. You can return once she departs."

"Yes. I understand. I'm sure Vega wouldn't mind me hanging out with her for a little while."

Lyra stands and kisses me on the forehead before walking out the door.

A few minutes later, Taylor walked into the room, and as soon as I saw her, a massive grin formed on my face. "Taylor," I exclaimed, unable to contain my excitement. "We've missed you around here. Please, take a seat," I said, gesturing towards the chair across from me. "How can I assist you?"

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