Voice Like An Angel

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"A dream I had about us a couple of months ago."

Lyra's eyes widen and she gasps as she glances up at me. She straightens up, her eyes blinking rapidly. "You had a dream about us?"

"It felt like more than just a dream; it was incredibly vivid, almost as if it were real. Intrigued, I delved into some research to make sense of it all and stumbled upon the term 'lucid dreaming' used by scientists. Others refer to it as 'astral projection' between 'soulmates' or another term would be 'twin flames'. So, I'm inclined to believe that it wasn't just a dream. I'm relieved you're back, Lyra. I've been working none stop, trying to keep myself from losing my mind."

"Blaze, as soon as we kissed, memories of the night before the accident rushed back to me. It was as if our lips had triggered a flood of recollections from that eventful evening. I can't help but wonder, could it be possible that we shared the same encounter? I deeply regret what happened with Jared. If only I had remembered that night, I never would have pursued him."

"Lyra, come on!" Vega hollers, interrupting me as I was about to reply to Lyra. "You and Blaze can flirt later!"

"Hold your horses Vega! Let me get a beer first and I'll be right there," Lyra said, shrugging her shoulders as she attempted to rise from the couch.

Thinking fast, I rose and helped Lyra up from the loveseat. "Wait for me here. I'll get us both a beer and bring it back to you."

There were three types of beer in the refrigerator, and I hadn't asked Lyra what she would like. Too bad all the bottled beers are gone. So I grabbed a Budweiser for us both, walked over and handed Lyra's beer to her.

"Awww. Thank you, Blaze," she said with a grateful smile. "This is perfect. You already seem to know me so well." Flipping the tab, she took a drink and strode over to Vega.

I must have made the right choice, as Lyra was gulping down her drink as if she were dying of thirst. To her, that beer was the last thirst quencher on earth. As they skimmed through the music, suddenly Lyra screeched and yanked a CD from the pile.

"That's a solo song, Lyra. Have you had enough alcohol to do that one?" Vega chuckles and grabs the CD from Lyra and attempts to put it back on the pile.

"I'll be fine. I've had two shots of vodka mixed with Red Bull and most of this beer. So yes, Vega, I'm good." Lyra giggles and glances my way with a massive grin on her face.

Cracking open my beer, I took a seat on the loveseat where Lyra and I had sat before and took a long swig from it. The anticipation of hearing her sing was building up inside me, and I couldn't wait for the experience. Her voice, reminiscent of an angel's, left me in awe. Imagining what her singing voice would sound like was a thrilling thought.

Lyra glances my way once more and winks. "I dedicate this song to Blaze. I think it fits our situation. And I hope you enjoy it."

As the music began, a soft melody filled the air, revealing the upcoming song. Although I didn't gravitate towards such genres, Lyra's intuition proved me wrong - this song was perfect for both of us. With every note she sang, the enchanting tune of 'A Thousand Years' resonated in the room, captivating my senses. My heart fluttered in my chest, its rhythm irregular, skipping a beat on occasion. Lyra possessed an ethereal voice, a harmonious melody that surpassed anything I had ever heard before. Her eyes remained locked onto mine, not once diverting her gaze, as she serenaded me with her angelic voice.

From the moment I laid eyes on Lyra, I felt as if we had forged a timeless connection. The warmth of familiarity enveloped me, as if our souls had danced together for centuries. As she sang those ethereal melodies, every word resonated deep within me, for I knew that my love for her would endure for a thousand lifetimes more. The certainty of our bond was palpable, coursing through every fiber of my being, filling me with an indescribable sensation of bliss.

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