Electric Forces

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Jace's aunt is bombarding me with numerous questions, and I'm trying my hardest to answer each one. It's unfortunate that I can't recall her name after meeting so many unfamiliar faces. Despite that, she comes across as a wonderful individual. However, I wish to distance myself from the door. Vega and I had made little progress before individuals approached us, introducing themselves. I'm attempting to remain composed and avoid any rudeness.

Jace's cousins are attractive, their looks leaving me in awe. However, none of them catch my eye as someone I'd want to pursue. But that doesn't matter, because I have Jared. They all seemed pleasant, but I couldn't shake off a strange feeling that they weren't the type of men I should be with. As Jace's aunt continued to ramble, a man approached, suggesting I take a seat. The sound of his voice was soothing, causing me to lose my breath. And when his piercing sapphire eyes met mine, they overwhelmed me with astonishment. The man I had been searching for all these years stood right in front of me. Those eyes, so familiar, seared into my soul. Now, I could connect a face to those captivating eyes, and my goodness, his appearance was striking. It was a sight so extraordinary, unlike anything I had ever witnessed before. How was he here at this very moment?

He stands there, mouth hanging open, his vibrant sapphire eyes wide and shimmering. I can almost feel my own eyes bulging out of their sockets in disbelief. It's like I'm trapped in a surreal dream, still lost in the depths of my coma. Searching for some semblance of reality, I pinch myself, only to grimace at the sharp pain that shoots through me. As Jace's aunt observes our bewildered exchange, her perplexed expression flickering back and forth between us, I can't help but feel a sense of intimacy. We're both perplexed, both grappling with the same burning question: what in the world is happening here?

Thank God for Vega, who stepped in with a massive grin on her face. "Lyra, this is Blaze, Jace's cousin. Blaze, this is my twin sister, Lyra."

Vega's knowing smile hinted at secrets unknown to me, clear in the way her chest swelled with pride. In the aftermath, he and I blinked, jolted back to the harshness of reality. My mind raced, and in a daze, I extended my trembling hand, feeling foolish. Yet, the shock coursing through me made it understandable.

"It's nice to meet you, Blaze."

Blaze cradled my hand, sandwiching it between his warm palms. He raised it to his lips, planting a soft kiss on the back of my hand. In that moment, a surge of electricity seemed to buzz in the air, and vivid images of him standing by my hospital bed during my coma flashed in my mind. It felt so tangible, but I can't understand how he was there. The only person I ever remember being there was Vega. She was there every day; rain or shine. The pull to be closer to him is immense, but I stay rooted in place.

"The pleasure is all mine, beautiful."

As his voice resonates, vivid flashes of a distant memory engulf my vision, immersing me in a time when we shared moments. I stand perplexed, for I have never encountered this man in the entirety of my existence. Confusion engulfs me, leaving me to question the enigmatic circumstances that unfold before me.

"Can I get you something to drink, Lyra? Jace and I picked up a bit of everything, from alcohol to tea. You name it, and it's yours."

I couldn't help but giggle. "Um, I think I'll wait a while before drinking alcohol. Something to eat would be great, though, and maybe some iced tea."

I can't fathom how I'm able to stand here and talk, pretending that nothing is going on in my head. It's a mystery to me. Thankfully, I'm not acting like a blubbering idiot; I don't want everyone to think I've gone nuts.

Mom and dad walked up to give Vega and me a hug. All the other parental figures came by to say goodbye and then they all left together.

Then Blaze grasped my hand, his warm touch sending a jolt of electricity up my arm. The tingling sensation was thrilling. I couldn't help but wonder if he felt it, too. As we strolled towards the bar, fragments of us being together flickered like snapshots in my subconscious. I urged myself to stay composed, my heart racing with anticipation. Could he sense the same glimpses of the future that I was experiencing? This must be the future, right? Seems how I've never met Blaze until now.

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