Pregnancy Cravings

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I couldn’t believe my eyes and ears. Dr. Stevenson had just said that Lyra was pregnant with twins. The shock of it all made Lyra look like she was about to hyperventilate. We were both in complete disbelief.

I squeezed Lyra’s hand and gave her an assuring smile. Then I turned my attention back to the doctor. “Excuse me, Dr. Stevenson, but could you please repeat that? I think I must be hearing things. Maybe this is just a dream or something, right? Is it possible that the machine is broken?” 

Dr. Stevenson acknowledged, “I can see that both of you are in shock. Perhaps it would be best for Blaze to sit down while I bring the monitor closer.” She adjusted the screen, ensuring that Lyra and I had a clearer view.

As I sat down, I reached for Lyra’s hand and squeezed it tightly. Initially, I felt a wave of panic wash over me, but that quickly transformed into excitement as I witnessed two heartbeats fluttering on the screen. To my amazement, they synchronized perfectly, beating in unison. At this moment, they looked nothing like babies; it was an intriguing sight. I could now comprehend why Vega and Jace referred to Nickolas as a ‘little bean’ and ‘alien’ initially.

Lyra was going to be eating for three for the next six months, that is if she could get to where she could keep some food down. As I looked at Lyra, she beamed at me happily, indicating that the initial shock had waned.

Lyra grinned and squeezed my hand back. “Two times in a row got us two babies!”

“This is wonderful, babe!” 

Dr. Stevenson allowed us to watch the monitor for a few more minutes while she printed out a couple of pictures for us and then concluded the ultrasound. “Do either of you have questions?”

“I’m having a hard time keeping anything down except for my prenatal vitamins, crackers, and ginger ale. Is there anything that you could give me for nausea and vomiting?” 

“Lyra, it’s great that you’ve started taking vitamins. I wish you had come in earlier, though. I could have prescribed you a better prenatal vitamin and something to help with the nausea. But don’t worry, the nausea should subside soon as you enter the second trimester,” Dr. Stevenson explained while scribbling on the prescription pad.

“I will need you to have a blood draw before you leave. Lyra, I need to see you back here in a month. Call me if you need anything before then. I’m so happy for you both. It’s a blessing to have one baby, but twins; double the blessing. Set up your appointment on your way out and have a wonderful day.” She handed me Lyra’s prescription, then walked out of the door. 

“I can’t believe we are having twins, can you, Blaze? I hope they will be boys. Nickolas is the cutest bundle of joy I have ever seen,” Lyra said as she ate her chicken noodle soup.

I bent down and kissed Lyra’s forehead. “I would prefer girls, actually. There’s nothing but men in my family. And I hope they will have their mom’s emerald green eyes.”


‘Can you pick me up some tacos, pickles, and rocky road ice cream on your way home from work, please?’ I texted Blaze, knowing that he was about to leave the office.

‘Yes, love, whatever your heart desires, I’m about to leave the office. I love you 😘.’

‘I love you too😘,’

The prenatal vitamins and antinausea medication prescribed by Dr. Stevenson instantly provided me with relief. As she had predicted, after a week, the nausea had diminished. However, that’s when the cravings kicked in. I longed to dip pickles into rocky road ice cream and savor every bite. In the process, I most likely wouldn’t be able to resist the temptation to scarf down some tacos as well. 

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