Private Room

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Jace and I gathered our belongings, the sound of our hurried footsteps echoing through the air. We dashed towards his truck, and with urgency, he guided me inside, the leather seat cool against my skin. As he leaped into the driver's seat, the engine roared to life, the powerful rumble vibrating through the vehicle. Without hesitation, he reversed, the tires screeching against the pavement. With adrenaline coursing through his veins, he sped down the road, disregarding the restrictions of the speed limit.

Bouncing in my seat, I couldn't help but clap my hands and grin over at Jace. "I can't believe she's awake! Why couldn't Lyra have woken up while we were still there? We've only been home for thirty minutes, right? I'm just so happy, Jace!"

Glancing over at me with a massive grin on his face, he then averts his gaze back to the road. "I know, sweetie! This is fantastic! I'll need to call Tanner and Blaze when I have a free moment. I'm certain Blaze would want to see her as soon as possible. But do you think it's a good idea? Maybe I should wait?"

"While I would love that, I believe it's best to wait a couple of days. We should give her some time to see how her memory improves and allow her to get more comfortable having visitors. She hasn't met Blaze, so his presence might come as a shock to her. However, we should make plans to meet with them soon and discuss transferring her belongings down to the guest room."

Jared has been a great help to my parents and me in ordering and installing rehab equipment for our gym for Lyra's use. However, there are still some remaining tasks, such as installing ramps and other necessary additions. Blaze and Tanner had offered to assist with these remaining tasks. I am uncertain if we will need the ramps at this point. It is important for us to wait and see how well Lyra can navigate once they discharge her from the hospital.

"I agree. It might be a good idea to wait a couple of days. I'll give Blaze and Tanner a call and ask if this weekend works for them. If it does, we could plan to get together on Sunday after church. I'm confident that Blaze would want to take time off to meet Lyra. We could even visit the hospital to introduce her to Blaze before heading to the house. Once we're there, we can have ramps installed and move her belongings downstairs."

"That would be so wonderful if they could meet each other! I can't wait to see the look on her face when she sees him face to face for the first time! That's going to be epic! Do you think she'll remember him, though? They had that lucid dreaming event the night before her accident. That would be so sad if she didn't."

A disappointed look stretches across Jace's features and he shrugs his shoulders. "Well, that would be nice if Blaze wasn't such a workaholic. I'm fearful that he'll want to wait to meet her until she's out of the hospital. He will say something about needing to keep his head in the game. Blaze is all about business. You've seen him. We'll just need to wait and see how much she remembers and go from there."

"I believe Lyra will help him find a life beyond Cunningham construction and landscaping. However, if she doesn't remember him, I don't think we should pressure her to recall him. If meant for one another, their recognition will happen when they meet in person. When that time comes, we can introduce him as your cousin and observe how things unfold."

"Good luck to Lyra on that Vega, because she's going to need it with Blaze. He's like a brother to me, but all he does is work, work, and more work. Blaze doesn't know how to let loose. And I agree with you. If she doesn't recall the dream or Blaze, we should leave the matter at bay and wait until they meet face to face."

Pulling up to the doors of the hospital, he jumps out of the truck and rushes to the passenger side to assist me. "I'll drop you off here and find a parking spot," he says, concerned about the distance he may have to walk. "I want you to reach Lyra as soon as possible." With a swift kiss, he jumps back into his truck and speeds away.

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