So Many Unexpected Surprises

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The past two months have flown by, leaving me feeling dizzy. Vega and I both agreed that waiting until September to get married was too long. Instead, we have set our wedding date for May twenty-fifth. This date is perfect for us because we have a week off from school before our summer college courses start.

She and I are at Kathleen’s for a dress fitting. Kathleen has almost completed both dresses. The realization that we are so close to getting married is feeling real.

“Alright, Vega,” Kathleen said as she adjusted the pins on Vega’s dress. “I need to let your dress out a bit. It’s snug around your tummy and bust area. Never fear, this type of thing happens all the time with brides, especially with stress eating and such.” 

Vega’s face turned a deep shade of crimson, her cheeks burning with embarrassment. She nodded, her eyes widening in horror as she locked her gaze onto mine. A sense of unease washed over me, wondering what could have caused such a drastic reaction. It wasn’t uncommon for us to experience these situations because of our commitment to healthy eating. We had our fair share of ups and downs, but it was never a big deal. Yet Vega’s distress seemed to intensify, her expression resembling someone on the verge of throwing up.

After helping Vega out of her dress, Kathleen turned her attention to me. She began examining my dress, remarking, “Well, Lyra, it seems you have the opposite problem. I’ll need to hem yours up a bit. It seems you’ve lost some weight or toned up since your last visit.” She then adjusts the pins on my dress. 

In fact, I had gained weight. However, over the last couple of months, I’ve been working out a lot more to regain the strength in my arm and leg, which were both injured in the accident. So most of what I had gained is pure muscle. 

“Thank you, Kathleen,” I said as I got out my debit card. “We will be back at the first of May for our last fitting.” I paid seven hundred dollars towards mine and Vega’s dress bill. These dresses may not come cheap, but they are gorgeous.

I climbed into the driver's side of my car, and Vega climbed into the passenger side with a huff.

I started the car and glanced over at her. “What’s going on Vega? You don’t seem like yourself today. We’ve come for several fittings and you’re always so chipper.”

Vega’s face turned pale, and she glanced out of the window. “This might sound crazy, but I think I could be pregnant. Lately, my appetite hasn’t been great, but I haven’t been working out much either, so it’s unlikely that I’ve gained weight. I’ve been feeling unwell for the past month, but I haven’t mentioned it because I thought it was just due to stress.”

“Before we head home to prepare for the wedding shower, I think it’s a good idea to stop by the drugstore first. I understand you might feel overwhelmed, but if you are pregnant, it would be a wonderful blessing. Honestly, I’m hoping that you are, because I would love to be an aunt!”

“Blaze and I have talked about trying for a baby after we get married,” I said as I pulled out on the road toward the nearest drugstore. “If you are pregnant, I know mom and dad will be delighted.”

“But I wanted to wait at least a year. If I am pregnant, though, it would explain my mood swings, which started around Christmas time. That would mean I’m three months pregnant already! Lyra, I’m going to be huge at the wedding!” 

“You are jumping to conclusions. You haven’t even taken a test yet, Vega. Just breathe, alright. No matter what, you’ve got this.” 


I haven’t taken the test yet, but deep down, I have this gut feeling that I might be pregnant. If the test comes back positive, Jace and I would accelerate our wedding plans. It’s just a matter of hoping that Kathleen can finish my dress in time. The last thing I want is to walk down the aisle with a baby belly on full display. It’s been alarming how I’ve already started gaining weight, and even Kathleen has noticed it.

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