Blaze Third Time's A Charm

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It's been almost three years since I last saw those stunning sapphire eyes. I wonder if that guy disappeared off the face of the earth or something. I searched for him for a year, but eventually gave up and started dating other people.

My experience with dating has shown me that relationships tend to have a six-month expiration date. College guys are not interested in sticking around with a virgin who won't give in. Now, I'm not trying to come across as a prude. In fact, I'm ready to get hot and sweaty and take things to the next level. However, I prefer to be in love with the person first before going all the way. I have tried other things to keep my partners entertained, but it never seems to be enough. To make matters worse, I am head over heels for a guy who I may never see again. It's as if fate is playing a cruel joke on me.

Vega has been in the same boat as me. She's had some luck with relationships, having stayed with Landon for three years through high school. However, when he went abroad for college, they broke it off. Despite having had a few boyfriends like me, nothing has worked out for her.

As Vega rummages through her closet for an outfit, she shouts over her shoulder, "We're still on for the party tonight, right? Maybe your mysterious blue-eyed stranger will finally show up. Although, I'm thinking he was just a figment of your imagination. Unless he's one of those holy rollers who can't loosen up and have some fun."

As she spun around and grinned at me, she asked, "How about a party for drinks, and then off to the club for some dancing? Are you in or out, Lyra?"

"I'm in," I agree, flipping onto my stomach on her bed. Vega tosses dresses and shoes to the ground, prompting a chuckle from me. "Why not," I add.

"Since that's settled, let me take charge of your outfit, Lyra. It's high time you wore a dress, and I have a stunning red one that will suit you perfectly. Now, where did I put it?" Vega's voice rises to a screech as she rummages through her closet, throwing clothes haphazardly to the ground in search of the elusive garment.

"I'll spare you the trouble," I began. "I won't be wearing a dress. The thought of guys staring up at my who-haw all night makes me uncomfortable. However, I'm thinking of wearing my sexy shorts that barely cover my ass with my cowgirl boots. I just need to find a fitting top to complete the outfit. You can help me with that, if you want," I added, as I stood up from the bed and gathered the clothes strewn across the floor.

With a grin, Vega responded, "I guess you have a point," as she hung the clothes back in her closet. She then searched through her clothes once more. Meanwhile, I opted to stand and observe her. It seemed pointless for me to look for my outfit at the moment.

I smirked as I cautioned Vega, "Let's not get too hammered tonight. Remember, we're supposed to meet mom and dad at our house tomorrow to paint."

Vega's shoulders drooped as she exclaimed, "Oh, crud! I forgot. It would have been nice to have a weekend off for once," she said with a huff and raised her hands into the air. "We really need a Summer break, Lyra," she added. She then pulled out a pair of shorts and a frilly pink spaghetti-strap shirt adorned with yellow daisies, holding them up to herself.

As I gazed at Vega's outfit, I couldn't help but smile and nod in appreciation. Despite being identical twins, we were polar opposites in almost every way. Vega was a fan of dresses and skirts, while I felt most comfortable in jeans or shorts. She had a more introverted personality, while I was outgoing and sociable. In fact, when we were younger, our parents could only tell us apart by our birthmarks. While Vega's fashion choices leaned towards pink, I preferred the boldness of red.

"Are you planning on wearing more makeup than usual, like doing smokey eyes and the whole shebang?" Vega suggests, wiggling her eyebrows. I can't help but roll my eyes and start walking away, but Vega follows me all the way to my room.

Serendipitous Dreams (The Cunningham's Book One)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant