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Yn pov:

I woke up with a headache.I never drank this much before.I slowly got out of the bed and went to the bathroom.I did my morning routine and then went downstair.i saw taehyung on his phone talking to someone.I walked past him and went to the dinning area.I sat down and the maid gave me hangover soup.I took my spoon and began to have the soup.My arm was still hurting but not as much as yesterday.Few minutes later taehyung joined me.We both had our breakfast in silence.I was wondering why he is still here.

Yn:When are you going back to your place?

He looked at me.

Taehyung:After the funeral.The funeral will be held tomorrow .

I looked at him.I slightly nodded and continued having my breakfast.I was thinking about rose.She won't come to the funeral.Taehyung told me that she will stay in hospital for two days.That means that she will come days after the funeral.

Taehyung:Btw , Rose wanted to come to the funeral tomorrow so she got discharged today.Jimin tried to persuade into staying in the hospital but she didn't listen to him and just wanted to come to the funeral.They are coming here.Rose said that she didn't want to leave her unnie by herself so she and jimin will be living with you here.

I slightly nodded and continued having my food.After I finished , I got up and went to grandma room.I open the door and walked in side the room.I walked inside the room and looked around the room.The wall were painted white.There were picture hanged up the wall.i walked around to her bed and sat on the edge.I saw a picture of my parent, me and grandma.I slowly picked the photo frame up and looked at it.Tears rolled down my cheek and fell on the photo.Everything that happened that day played in my mind.I remember grandma taking her last breathe.In my room there is a portrait of your parent.Take the photo down and you will find a locker.The password is 301250617.....You ....will find the document .....that your parent told me to keep..... safe until you decided..... to become a mafia.Your parent ....were the powerful ....mafia of ...the world ...but they gave .....h..half of power to ......Kim.......... I slowly put the photo down and looked around the room,I saw the picture of my parent.I walked towards it.I slowly took the photo of the wall.and saw a locker .The was a number pad .I walked over and pressed 301250617.The red light turned green and I slowly open the door.I saw saw a file , a small box and a letter.I slowly took it out and walked over to the bed.I open the letter and read it. Dear beta(daughter), Since you are reading this letter I assume you know the truth.First of all we are both sorry for not tell you the truth about our status in the public.We thought of tell you this on your 20th birthday and give you the position but it might be too late for it.Thats why I wrote this letter.Me and your mother became the world powerful mafia.You could think of this as the king and queen of all the mafias around the world.However, me and your mother shared the power to my best friend Kim Seo Jun and his wife.I know you might be shocked but it's truth. We all became the powerful mafia in the world .We promised each other when you and his son get older, you both would get married and take over the business.I know this is shocking but trust us .We have made this decision .You might be wondering why we did this but trust us this is for your own good.Anyways.The blue file contain all the mafia information .Make sure you keep this safe and kept watch of Cha.He is our rival and he is after this document.I he find this document then it will be danger.This document have the guide and information that could lead him to finding the other half of this document. Once again, we are sorry for not telling this beforehand and hope you forgive us.From you parents. I was shocked but confused by what I read.They already have found someone for me .Who is Kim Seo Jun?I flooded the letter and looked at the box .I have a golden ribbon.I slowly picked it up and opened it slowly. I saw a tiny note on the top.I picked up the note and looked inside the box.I saw a necklace with two rings in it. I looked at the note and read it.Dear Yn dear, This is your early gift for your wedding day.Me and your father chose this ring for you and you future husband.You might be wondering what is going on.You know that we love you and this is for your own good and please trust what we have done for you.Love from mummy.Tears flew down from my eyes.I looked two rings and put the note back in the box.I took the file , box and the letter and walked out of the room.I walked toward my room and went into my closet.I closed the closet door .I walked over to my shoes section and slide the door to the left side.There was a door with keypad on the front.I press the pin and the door open.I walked inside and entered my private room.This is the room that no one in the mansion know about.I am the only who knows the pin .I walked over to the desk and sat down.I put the file on the desk and turned on the big screen.

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