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y/n was told there was no reason to celebrate life in the middle of the war.

songs were not allowed to be heard in the house.

neither the sound of the grand piano.

nor the glockenspiel.

not even a humble ukulele.

The unit commander found her heading to the hill near the general's manor, and so he followed.

"you have a great voice." He said, grabbing the lighter and a cigarette from his pocket.

Y/n had to hiss. "not for Papa. I swear to God, I hate him."

Jongseong let out a soft laugh. "General L/N is a rigid man. He has his reasons. It's hard to sit in such a dangerous seat and have the grace to still rejoice. Wars are slowly swallowing the earth, he once said."

"Then, what is wrong with music? Is he afraid my singing might revoke the city's defense? Does he believe enough in such stupidity?" She retorted. Jongseong decided to sit beside her and try to admire the sight of the streets below them.

"If you really want to be a songstress, sing." He said as-a-matter-of-factly. "Just do not let your father hear you next time."

Y/n said. "Soon, I will leave this place and do what I have always dreamed of doing. That miserable old man can complain for as long as he wants, but I will be a star."

jongseong had to commend the lady's persistence. "Oh, you will." He said. "But first, madame y/n must go home. It isn't safe to be wandering alone. I thought I might follow you and be of use."

needless to say, the young commander is of a significant use, managing to make an impression on y/n's father that he now trusts him enough not just to be his soldier, but to be his envoy; the right hand to perfectly furnish his diplomatic plans.

every now and then, y/n would delight in the sight of him from her window, either giving orders to his troops being a commander that he was, or just smoking alone, just as adepts would always do.

and all the time, he would catch her. she could hide, she could look away for as long as she liked, but he would always know, the reason he could only offer her a benevolent wave.

y/n was the only exception. that, he knew. he never had a talent in tolerating obstinacy. y/n had her stand, nevertheless. bull-headed she was, her melody continued to creep through the walls; continued to serenade a man as miserable as he was. let them stomp in fury, my life doesn't stop here. bar the gates, and she would get through the hills one way or another. tell her of death awaiting outside, even. and she would rejoice to be welcomed in its embrace.

"you seem to forget to keep your head still. you're raising it too much lately." General L/N reminded him, for it was alright for an upperhand to maim his henchman, knowing he was not expected to fire back.

"With all due respect, I do not seem to catch your point, sir." Jongseong stated, still with his head raised.

"You are growing fond of my daughter." The father said with certainty in his tone. "I hope you already suffice yourself with the knowledge that she is more formidable than the war I am fighting right now."

Jongseong nodded understandingly.

"That stubborn girl is the only one I have. I do not intend to simply give her away. Specially not to you." His words were some things that caused the commander to slightly take a step away.

"I do not wish to harm your daughter, sir." Jongseong made sure of that. "I respect her just as much as I solemnly respect you."

The general took a step closer, pointing a finger. "You'd do well to prove your worth to us if you desire to take her away from me. Hurt her and I will have your head on a stick."

Knowing what the general was capable of doing, the commander quickly bowed, clenching his fist on his chest. "I promise to keep her safe in my watch, sir! I ask you to give me a chance."

Father let out a derisive smirk. "A chance, you say." He dared to let out a short laugh. "Tell death to spare your life from war tomorrow." With that, he left saying he trusted him just by those words.

at dawn, the lady decided to secretly leave the room and meet the commander in the same hill where they met. It was hard to sleep last night, knowing many things might happen to jongseong. Something was holding her back from breathing properly, it was harder to speak. It felt almost as if something inside had to come out or she would burst into a million pieces.

"don't let this end." She said, pulling his sleeves so he would move closer enough to put him in her embrace. "you must take care of yourself." y/n buried her face on his chest.

"I will, y/n." He said, brushing her silk-like hair. "I will come back and you will finally be mine." He dared not to promise for promises only fade away. He intended to live. He desired to hold her.

"Don't lie." Y/n said, determined to hold back the tears brimming in her eyes. "Jongseong, don't lie."

"I am not!" He said with a reassuring smile. Then cupping her cheeks, young lady decided to render him their first, lasting kiss. As it was time to leave, he decided to ask for one more. No, fuck asking. Without a word, he gingerly held her chin and returned the kiss himself.

"Live, alright?"

The commander nodded eagerly, knowing by the time his unit leaves, she would long for him once again.

"I will see you, y/n."

𝙀𝙣𝙝𝙮𝙥𝙚𝙣 𝙄𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨 ☘Where stories live. Discover now