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pov: it's the 1970's. two children of two prominent members of the engineering society attended the social night; one garnering instant attention for the same flare and wits as his father's, the other ruled out for seemingly not belonging to the elites, specifically for being 'female' ( and just eating the strawberries in the strawberry tartlets).

sheer faith is not something a man like sunoo already had.

because beneath that old bronze suit is not someone with promising wits and a brimming glass of honor, just as how his father would brag to his comrades as he delightfully places his arm around his shoulder.

nothing ever made him feel just like a little boy more than a crowd filled with patricians.

"this man," father pridefully grabbed him by the arm, "my son," he made sure everyone would know; everyone would know that at the end of the day, he will share all the future merits of sunoo, because he was the one who made him, designed him into a shape he so desperately desired,

"will be an addition to our society. 'the youngest innovator', we will call him, of course. in this age of his he already exhibits the same flare we continue to ignite."

sunoo could only smile faintly and bow before the established men.

father raised his glass. "so, a toast... for my boy!" his cheeks were flushed, the scotch was the culprit; but his confidence knew no bounds, and his voice continued to roar.

"for the chief's boy!" the men answered the howl.

the party persisted with amber lights and more bottles of scotch and champagne, while sunoo watched his father slowly leaving him out of place to clink his glass against the high-headed fellows', not giving a slight bother on his son going for the third glass of their champagne.

it was enough that he was smart and civil. it was enough that he was bringing respect to their family's prominence. 

he just wished the men gave the same respect for y/n.

just like he was wearing his father's suit, he could also suspect y/n wearing her mother's prim collared dress. her hair was cut short so her neck was bare, and she was wearing a cream-colored headband. he found himself looking at her longer than he expected, but perhaps it was the way she looked smaller in that dress, but still regal in a way.

y/n was the only one to stay a little longer in the small pantry of desserts. sunoo figured she loved strawberry tartlets, only that her tongue favored the candied strawberries more, eventually finishing just the toppings of the pastries.

looking around, she saw sunoo staring intently. her eyes slightly widened by surprise, too. she wiped the corners of her lips then let out a sheepish smile, deciding to leave the hall. 

hesitantly, he followed, making sure not to appear awkward in their first encounter. he found y/n sitting on the edge of the pond, her feet dipping in the cold water, her eyes meeting the water lilies. from behind her, a voice called.

"you should have left me a whole tarlet."

y/n curved a slight grin. "strawberries are my favorite." she said. "you should've saved yourself one when you had the chance."

tonight, she made the perfect boy laugh.

sunoo decided to sit beside her, taking off his coat and putting it aside. "so, you are the l/n y/n." he said.

she nodded, trying to pretend she was instantly enjoying company. "we finally meet."

"i heard we're going to the same school." he continued. "you'll be the first female in the society soon."

y/n laughed by the thought, then found herself listening to the song playing inside the function. tie a yellow ribbon round the ole oak tree. the night was cold, everything felt so mellow.

"i've also read your poems. they're the only ones i look for in the newspapers." sunoo leaned slightly closer, ever fascinated. "i have to say you'd do well as a  blue-sky poet!"

y/n almost hissed. "a poet... well, father  fancies an engineer. could've wished for a son, even."

there was a moment of silence, sunoo had to delicately think of something to say (if there is anything to say at all).

as if it was quite usual to believe those things, y/n spoke once again. "papa loves to compare me to you, you know."  her words didn't come out in a speck of jealousy. whether it was to flatter sunoo or render him the feeling of guilt, only one thing was sure:  his cheeks flushed red and his shoulders stiffened.

"somehow you have to accept that fact.  because now, by the looks of you, i can finally tell you can get your life together." she added.

"our fathers think as if anyone that isn't them is condemned to live a miserable life."

"their lives are no different."

they both laughed.

"you shouldn't listen to the things he says."

"and what? just eat strawberry tarts and endure their sorry glances at me?"


"you are a clever one, sunoo."

"i told you, those elites are getting old and grumpy. don't get sucked into their space."

later on, it was time for y/n to go home. they both rose, with sunoo holding the girl's hand.

"thank you for tonight, miss y/n." sunoo took the time to greet her gallantly, earning her smile.

"do you wish to melt my heart, mister?" she replied, then turned back to get to her father's car.

"remember the next poem, huh! i'll be waiting!" he shouted.


i'm back ! ! ! infused with more delusions to push me to still write somehow

how are you all? i miss you <3333 hope y'all are doing well. year's almost over ! ! 

hope you enjoyed this chapter doe

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