Building A Team Part 2: Seeing The Sting Of Defeat!

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The team, now accompanied by Riri, better known as Iron Heart, sets out to find their next teammate. Yvonne studying who the last member was, already had ideas as to how to defeat this threat using their abilities. More specifically, she had a plan for defeating them. "Okay. So all we really need now is Hawkeye. An archer for our team will be perfect for us to have some eyes seeing everything on the battlefield." Yvonne said, sounding far more confident in this working now that they had Riri.

The red headed boy looked at his sister, a suspicious eyebrow raised at her. Though he knew this was his sister..... something about her was definitely off. It didn't take him long to figure out what it was, but he couldn't say anything about it. Not yet at least. He would have to wait for everyone else to realize it. "Yeah.....I hope so...." He mumbled with some concern in his eyes.

Pym relaxed in his chair of the jet, feeling relieved that they had a new ally with them. "Oh relax a little James. With Iron Heart on our side now, this'll be such a cakewalk!" He said sounding a little too calm about it.

Azuri knew a little better than to be as calm as Pym was, but he wasn't too worried about it either. "Pym, you have a point, but don't get too lazy now. We still gotta focus a little on the mission." He told them calmly.

"I don't think we have too much to worry about now. Especially since we have two Asgardians, a fellow armored avenger, and now Yvonne leading this battle, we are guaranteed to win this time." Torunn brought up, keeping her sword in the hilt on her hip.

Ekaterina watched the group of confident heroes, staring at them with some unease. As of now, it seemed to be that James was the only one with some common sense. Though to be fair, she had only just met Riri, so there was no real important data on her yet. But she was becoming a little worried about what kind of influence the rest would be on the newer member. "Just be aware of what Hydra will be capable of. Your friend.....Deirdre I believe......only knows so much about them." She told them trying to sound serious about the situation.

Deirdre shrugged her shoulders at those words. "Perhaps that is true. However, I truly believe that my cousin is correct on this." She told her calmly. "I mean, Loki's trolls were a threat, however those other troops were not as much of a danger when I fought them." She added trying to sound strategic.

Banner though, was trying to talk to the Hulk in his subconscious. But no matter what he said, his alter ego refused to come out. In fact, it was as if Hulk was ignoring him the entire time he was trying to talk. "C'mon Hulk....please come out. We need all the help we can get in this......our team needs us......" He pleaded to himself while sitting in another seat of the quinjet. Out of all the times Hulk was needed, Banner definitely felt that it was now more than ever. "Do you want to stay out forever and for me to sacrifice myself so you stay out forever? Because I will do that if it means you help everyone!" He offered, clearly desperate for this now.

Back with the children, Riri watched Yvonne study a map with a red dot. It became obvious to her that this meant that she was able to track whoever this Hawkeye was, so that they could get his assistance with their fight. "So, any idea where this guy is? Or how exactly we'll find him?' She finally asked, hoping they had a plan in motion.

Yvonne looked back at the newest member of their team and smiled. "I have a rough idea of where she is without this because I've heard dad talk about them fighting against something they were doing. But it's only a rough idea of where. It shouldn't take too long to find him hopefully." She told Riri a little too calmly.

Riri wanted to question their leader, given the kind of answer she gave them. But on the other hand, she was the daughter of one of the greatest heroes before their time. So she decided to not question it for now. But she was going to try and be more aware of Yvonne and how she handled things. "Alright, fair enough......I think we should land soon. Somewhere nearby." She suggested as soon as she saw an area that looked just empty enough. As soon as they landed, they looked out to the horizon and saw what appeared to be a battle going on somewhere.

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