Allies At Last! Proving The Doubters Wrong!

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As James held back the Atlantean soldier that was trying to kill him, Marina blasted him with a large current of water. While normally, water would enhance an Atlantean's powers, this water was suddenly scolding hot, and felt as if it was burning his skin. The female that did this glanced at James with intrigue in her eyes, while concentrating on the boiling water. "You intrigue me human. What is your name?" She asked with a smile.

James looked at the female Atlantean with slight confusion. Why was she so interested in him? Didn't the Atlanteans hate surface dwellers? Or was that specifically Namor? had to just be Namor if she was this interested. "Uhhh.....Ja-" he started off before stopping himself. If he was going to be like his father, he needed an alias. Something to inspire hope, something to show he was a hero. But he didn't want to take his father's name. Not yet anyway. It was too early, and he needed to earn that title, the rank of a Captain. "Coronal America." He answered without hesitation. He still wanted to represent what his father stood for, and that was the name that came to his mind.

Marina giggled at him, but she also couldn't help but respect him at the same time. "Well then Coronal, call me Marina. The male standing by your arrow friend is Neiku." She told him before sending Attuma flying off his bubble. But not long after, several soldiers all working with Hydra surrounded the two. "Think you can keep up with me?" She asked him with a smirk.

James couldn't help but smirk back at her, sensing how confident she was in him and his ability. "What? Using that water make you feel a little sleepy?" He asked back in a slightly teasing manner before summoning his energy shield. It didn't take long for the two of them to attack each soldier. James was first to smack an Atlantean soldier with his energy shield, then rushing into them while making it larger to slam into multiple others that stood in his way.

As Marina fought with a quarterstaff made out of ice she made out of the water surrounding them, she couldn't help but watch James fight. If she was being honest with herself, she couldn't help but become more curious about the super soldier boy. He didn't have any superpowers like most of his other allies, or her own, but he was still holding his own. He was showing to be a powerful asset against the forces Attuma was sending out. However, she was going to show him what she was made of. She immediately jumped up, going a spin like he normally did and whacked three of the Bruntian soldiers with her quarterstaff and sent them into the others with ease.

With Attuma, he was laying on the top of a building with Madame Hydra and Obadias standing above him, waiting for the wannabe ruler of Atlantis to stand. When he did, he dusted himself off to lead his forces to battle. "You best have a good reason for showing up here during my conquest of the land and seas for you fools." He demanded while picking up his sceptor.

Obadias stood at attention of what he considered his higher up, showing him the respect he felt the Atlantean deserved. "Yes sir. We have direct orders from our supreme leader to bring you in as one of the many main heads of Hydra. With your armies and resources, we can easily win this war." He called out with a salute at the end.

Attuma pondered the thought of the offer given to him. On one hand it did make sense to accept the offer. With the weapons and resources Hydra already had, it'd make sense for him to increase his armies. Especially with the technology the mighty evil organization had in their possession. But on the other hand.....the possibility of different ideologies clashing. "What's in it for me? I know what you will acquire from this, but what shall I receive as compensation?" He then asked to test how they answer.

However, instead of Obadias answering,  Madame Hydra took over, prepared to tell him. "You join us, you will gain full access to Atlantis, as it's one true king." She answered with her hands behind her back.

Attuma simply scoffed at the offer. "I can acquire that now without being in the presence of you fools." He insisted as he looked away from them, not taking them seriously.

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