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Being stuck in a deserted place during a storm wasn't the worst thing in the world.

It could be worse. For instance, I could be trying to escape from a wild bear that's ready to attack me. Or, I could be stuck in a dark basement, tied to a chair, and made to listen to Aqua's "Barbie Girl" over and over until I would prefer to bite off my arm than hear that song one more time.
Even though things might get tougher, it doesn't mean they aren't hard now.

Pause. Have happy thoughts.

"A taxi will come...now." I looked at my phone, holding back my anger as the app kept telling me it was "looking for my ride", like it had been doing for the last thirty minutes Typically, I wouldn't worry too much because I had my phone and a bus shelter to protect me from the heavy rain. But, I had to attend Taehyung's goodbye party in an hour, still needed to get his surprise cake, and it was getting dark. Even though I'm an optimistic person, I'm not foolish. No one, especially a college girl with no self-defense abilities, wants to be alone in a remote area after dark.

I now wish I had joined Jules for those self-defense lessons.

I began to think about my few choices. The bus didn't stop here on weekends and most of my friends didn't have cars. Bridget had a car but she was busy at an event till seven. Uber wasn't available and no car had driven by since it started to rain. But I wouldn't take a ride from a stranger, because I've seen scary movies.

I had no other choice, even though I didn't like it. But I couldn't be picky.

I found the contact on my phone, quietly hoped for the best, and made the call.

It rang once. Then twice. Then a third time.

Please answer the phone. Then again, maybe it's better if you don't. I was torn between two bad options - facing a dangerous situation or handling my brother's wrath. It was also possible that my brother would get so angry he might harm me for getting into this mess. But I'd handle that issue later.

"What's the problem?"

I scrunched my nose at his greeting. "Hello to you too, brother dearest. What makes you think something is wrong?"

Taehyung snorted. "Uh, you called me. You never call unless you're in trouble."

True. We preferred texting, and we lived next door to each other-not my idea, by the way-so we rarely had to message at all.

"I wouldn't say I'm in trouble," I hedged. "More like...stranded. I'm not near public transport, and I can't find an Uber."

"Christ, Y/N. Where are you?"

I told him.

"What the hell are you doing there? That's an hour from campus!" "Don't be dramatic. I had an engagement shoot, and it's a thirty-minute drive. Forty-five if there's traffic." Thunder boomed, shaking the branches of nearby trees. I winced and shrank farther back into the shelter, not that it did me much good. The rain slanted sideways, splattering me with water droplets so heavy and hard they stung when they hit my skin. A rustling noise came from Taehyung's end, followed by a soft moan. I paused, sure I'd heard wrong, but nope, there it was again. Another moan.

I felt my eyes widen in shock. "Are you being intimate right now?" I muttered loudly, even though there was no one else around.

The sandwich I had hastily eaten before my photoshoot threatened to come back up. There was nothing, I mean absolutely nothing, more unsettling than hearing a family member in the middle of an intimate act. The mere idea was enough to make me feel nauseous.

TWISTED LOVE JEON JUNGKOOK X (READER) {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now