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"Taehyung will never forgive you for this." Mr kim's eyes burned. "He worships me. Who do you think he'll believe? Me, his father, or you, a punk he met a few years ago?"

"In this case, Father-" Taehyung walked in, his face darker than I'd ever seen it. "I think I'll believe 'the punk'."

He slammed his fist into Mr Kim's face, and all hell broke loose.

Several hours later, Josh and I settled into the seclusion of a back booth at a restaurant adjacent to The Jeon Group. Jungkook had thoughtfully reserved the place, ensuring our conversation remained private by temporarily relieving most of the staff and retreating to his office. Only a discreet waiter remained at a distance.

Taehyung's appearance spoke volumes of his distress-his skin pallid, eyes shadowed with heavy bags, and his face etched with strain. His signature confident smile was conspicuously absent. "I'm so sorry, Y/N," he lamented. "I should have seen it coming-I should've..."

"There's no fault on your end," I assured him, as the chilling realization of Mr. Kim's deception lingered in my thoughts. "He fooled us all. And he did treat you kindly; that alone could have clouded your judgment."

A tightness settled on Taehyung's expression. "Love wasn't in his capacity-men like him don't truly love. He simply saw me as a means to carry on his legacy and nothing more."

Since Jungkook and I informed Taehyung about my recovered memories a few days ago, he had been astounded yet believed us without question, insisting on confronting Mr. Kim in person. Granted emergency leave from his program, he covertly monitored the heated exchange through hidden cameras right up until tempers flared.

Taehyung's impulse was as fiery as ever.

The confrontation escalated quickly after Taehyung's punch landed on Mr. Kim. The ensuing melee involved FBI agents, security personnel, and both Taehyungs-a scene that teetered on the brink of pandemonium. Thankfully, Jungkook intervened before further harm could be done, preventing Taehyung from facing assault charges due to a well-placed FBI connection.

The entire ordeal seemed like a dream-a bizarre and unsettling one.

But I stood firm in my reassurance: "Regardless, none of this is on you-you were just as much a child then."

"I should've been there in his office that day..."

"No," I interjected with conviction. "Stop blaming yourself; stop it right now, Taehyung Kim." My tone softened slightly but still carried an adamant edge. Guilt over my own misplaced anger toward my mother needed addressing-she too had suffered in silence. "You've been an unwavering support to me; you're more than a brother, you're exceptional. Remember that-because I'll only say it once."

He offered a tentative smile. "Are you going to be okay?"

Drawing in a deep breath, I reflected on the tumultuous past two weeks-the revelations, the psychological turmoil, the stark realization that my family ties were severed. My mother had passed away, the man I grew up calling father was facing incarceration and wasn't my biological parent, leaving the identity of my real father shrouded in mystery. Yet amidst the upheaval, I finally grasped the truth, and I wasn't alone-I had Taehyung, Jungkook, and my circle of friends by my side.

Perhaps the full weight of everything that happened would crash down on me later, but at that moment, relief washed over me, tinged with sadness and a residual sense of shock.

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