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I slammed my fist into the mannequin's face, savoring the sharp burst of pain that jolted up my arm upon impact. My muscles burned, and sweat dripped down my forehead into my eyes, blurring my vision, but I didn't stop. I had done this so many times; I didn't need to see to land my hits.

The air carried the scent of sweat and intensity. This was the one place I allowed myself to unleash the anger I carefully managed in all other areas of my life. I had started Krav Maga training a decade ago for self-defense, but it had since become my catharsis, my sanctuary.

By the time I finished pummeling the mannequin, my body was a mixture of aches and sweat. I wiped the perspiration off my face and took a swig of water. Work had been tough, and I needed this release to reset.

"Hope you worked off your frustration," Ralph, the owner of the training center and my personal instructor since I'd moved to D.C., remarked dryly. Short and stocky, he possessed a powerful fighter's build and a stern expression, but deep down, he was gentle-hearted. He would knock me out if I ever revealed that to anyone, though. "You looked like you had a personal vendetta against Harper."

Ralph named all the training dummies after TV characters or real-life people he didn't like.

"Rough week," I admitted. As we were alone in the private training studio, I spoke more candidly than usual. Besides Taehyung, Ralph was the only person I considered a true friend. "I could go for the real thing right now."

Dummies were useful for practice, but Krav Maga was designed for hand-to-hand combat interactions between yourself and your opponent in order to respond quickly. That wasn't possible with an inanimate object.

"Sure, let's do it. But we must finish by seven, no overtime, as there's a new class coming in."

I raised my eyebrows. "Class?"

The KM Academy catered to intermediate to advanced practitioners and specialized in one-on-one or small group sessions. It didn't host large classes like most other centers did.

Ralph shrugged. "Yeah, we're opening the center up to beginners. Just one class for now, see how it goes. Missy hassled me about it until I agreed - said people would be interested in learning it for self-defense, and that we have the best instructors in the city." He chuckled. "Thirty years of marriage -- she knows how to stroke the ol' ego. So here we are."

"Not to mention, it's a good business decision," KMA had little competition in the area, with a likely pent-up demand for lessons and plenty of well-off individuals who could afford the prices.

Ralph's eyes twinkled. "That, too."

I took another swig of water, contemplating. Beginner lessons would be a good idea for
Y/N or anyone, regardless of gender. Self-defense is an essential skill one hopes never to utilize, but it could make all the difference in dangerous situations. Pepper spray can only do so much.

I sent a quick text to her before Ralph and I began our session.

Though I wasn't thrilled about playing babysitter, Y/N and I managed to settle into a cautious truce since her peace offering last week. Additionally, when I commit to anything, I do so wholeheartedly; no half-hearted efforts allowed.

I vowed to protect Taehyung's sister and that's exactly what I'd do. This involved signing her up for self-defense lessons, upgrading her home's subpar security system - she initially complained about the early morning installation but eventually accepted it - and taking any necessary precautions. The less trouble she found herself in, the less I needed to worry about her and the more focus I could devote to my enterprise and plotting vengeance.

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