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Vomiting uncontrollably, I leaned over the toilet, convulsing with each heave. Sweat clung to my skin while Jungkook , standing by my side, held my hair away from my face and gently massaged my back in soothing circles.

He was seething with anger, though not at me. His fury was directed towards my father, my harrowing past, and the web of circumstances that had ensnared us both. The tension in his touch and the menacing energy that had enveloped him ever since I shared my recollections spoke volumes.

The revelations of that day by the lake were merely the beginning.

A new fragment of memory had surfaced, one that irrevocably implicated my father.

"Look what I've got, Daddy!" I burst into his study, flourishing the paper with a beaming smile. It was an essay from school about the person I admired most—and I had written about him. My teacher Mrs. James had awarded it an A+. Eagerly, I anticipated his pride.

"What's this now?" His brows arched up in curiosity.

"I earned an A+! Just look!"

Taking the paper from me, he glanced over it. However, to my bewildishment, delight didn't color his reaction.

My grin waned under his puzzling frown. A's were a cause for celebration; they always resulted in praise for Taehyung.

"What is this all about?"

"It's an essay on who I admire most," I explained, twisting my fingers together nervously. In that moment, I wished for Taehyung's presence; but he was at a friend's house. "I chose you—I wrote about how you saved me."

Original: I didn't remember him saving me, but that was what everyone told me. They said I fell into a lake a few years ago and would've died if Daddy hadn't jumped in after me.

"I did, didn't I?" He finally smiled, but it wasn't a nice smile.

I suddenly didn't want to be here anymore.

"You look so much like your mother," Daddy said. "A carbon copy of when she was your age."

I didn't know what a carbon copy was, but based on his tone, it probably wasn't a good thing.

He stood, and I instinctively stepped back until my legs hit the couch.

"Do you remember what happened at the lake when you were five, darling Y/N?" He brushed his fingers over my cheek, and I flinched.

I shook my head, too scared to speak.

"That's for the best. Makes things easier." Daddy smiled another ugly smile. "I wonder if you'll forget this too?" He picked up a throw pillow and pushed me onto the couch.

I didn't have time to respond before I lost the ability to breathe. The pillow pressed into my face, cutting off my oxygen supply. I tried to push it off, but I wasn't strong enough. A strong hand locked my wrists together until I couldn't struggle anymore.

My chest tightened, and my vision flickered.

No air. Noairnoairnoair-

Not only had my father tried to drown me, he'd also tried to suffocate me. I retched again, and again, and again. I'd managed to stay calm for most of Thanksgiving weekend, but saying the words out loud-my father tried to kill me-must've triggered a delayed physical response.

TWISTED LOVE JEON JUNGKOOK X (READER) {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now