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Of all the ways I had imagined my Friday night unfolding, being cornered in a pool room by a scornful blonde was certainly not one. Her gaze accused me as if I had personally pilfered her prized Prada purse.

"Excuse me, do we know each other?" I asked, my voice laced with forced politeness while I instinctively retreated. The woman seemed vaguely familiar, yet I couldn't pinpoint where we might have crossed paths.

"It's unlikely we've met before." Her smile was icy enough to slice through steel. She was stunning, with her luminous gold hair, deep blue eyes, and striking figure-a vision of Aphrodite incarnate. Yet, her expression bore an edge that stripped away any semblance of warmth. "I'm Madeline Hauss from the petrochemical dynasty. You're in my home."

"Ah, I see. My name's Y/N. Kim," I replied as her piercing eyes fixated on me. "I'm one of the KIM from Maryland. Is there something you need?" While I intended to be courteous-it was her domain, after all-I didn't necessarily want to be here; Stella's insistence post-school and work crunch had won me over.

"I was curious to see the one who usurped Jungkook's attention at the gala," Madeline remarked with a velvety yet chilling tone.

Ah, the gala. She was the woman conversing with Jungkook when I danced with Colton-despite trying to ignore them, my gaze lingered jealously.

In defiance of Jules's strategy for 'Operation Emotion', I'd abandoned its envious tactics but inadvertently ensnared Jungkook's focus at the gala using Colton as bait-a frivolous act born of my own envy, which appeared successful given both Jungkook's and now Madeline's reactions.

"I wasn't aware you knew him," I lied uneasily. The Hauss family's pool room exuded decadence similar to an imperial Roman bath-pristine marble adorned with gold accents-the water shimmered invitingly under a crystalline dome that displayed the starlit sky majestically while mosaic mermaids danced below its surface. However, confronted by this opulence and potent chlorine scent, nausea rose within me threateningly.

The Hausses' grand Bethesda residence was abuzz with festivity as Stella and I luxuriated in the array of music and amusements each room provided. Our adventure paused when Stella set out to refresh our drinks; meanwhile, I stumbled into an adjacent chamber and found myself engulfed by an all-too-familiar dread. Madeline descended upon me before I could make my escape.

"Jungkook and I? We're quite acquainted," Madeline declared, her words unleashing a churning nausea within me. A terrifying thought crossed my mind-what if their involvement hadn't ended? Did he nearly cancel our casual movie night for her?

Consumed by jealousy and the unmistakable scent of chlorine, I bit back. "I can't fathom his interest in you." Her eyes skimmed over me dismissively. "Dare I say, you probably don't share his... preferences."

A mix of indignation and scandalized fascination surged through me. "You might just be surprised," I countered, fishing for more details while memories of a certain dream flashed before me, accelerating my pulse.

Her smirk widened maliciously. "Oh, you seem like one for romance-an expectation of tenderness." She leaned in, her voice a venomous whisper. "But here's the truth about Jungkook-affection isn't his style; he prefers a more impersonal approach... more primal."

Burning with humiliation at her brazen description, a conflicting wave of anger and unexpected intrigue washed over me.

The spectacle we created didn't go unnoticed. Onlookers converged, drawn to the unfolding drama, some even documenting the moment with their phones. In this crowd Madeline was the magnet-I was simply collateral.

"Perhaps," I retorted coolly, "he simply prefers not to gaze upon you-no such issue exists between us."

Granted, it was a lie-a defense mechanism-but the truth was irrelevant in this game of deceit.

I endeavored to rise above the situation but had learned that sometimes, you need to fight fire with fire.

Madeline's smile vanished. "He'll grow tired of you within a week. A man like Jungkook can only endure such sweetness before it becomes sickening."

"And there's a limit to the bitterness he'll tolerate before he dismisses it," I retorted, arching an eyebrow. "You're familiar with that, aren't you?" Her presence seemed to summon a boldness I didn't normally possess.

I loathed the idea of quarreling with another girl over a guy, but after Madeline's provocation, I refused to be trampled on.

Her normally pale complexion turned a deep shade of red. "Are you implying I'm bitter?" My conscience urged me to walk away. Yet the thought of her and Jungkook together loosened my tongue. "Yes, what's your point? What will you do about it?"

It was an immature jibe, admittedly. But before I could grasp the situation, I reeled backwards and plunged into the pool.

She had shoved me.

Directly into the water.

Panic set in.

A cruel laughter erupted from above as I sank below the surface, its echoes faint beside the thunderous sound in my ears. Shock seized me, rendering me immobile as I could only fixate on Madeline's contorted smirk before water enveloped my face.

A terrifying thought flashed through my mind: I'm going to die.




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