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Thayer University's annual Alumni Charity Gala was the event of the season. Although it raised money for a noble cause, it was more about ego than charity.

I attend every year.

Not due to my philanthropic aspirations or a desire to reminisce about college, but because the gala presented a wealth of information. Thayer's alumni included some of the world's most influential people who gathered at Z Hotel D.C. every August. This provided an ideal opportunity for networking and gathering intelligence.

"...pass the bill, but it'll get killed in Congress..."

I feigned interest as Colton, a former classmate now working in government affairs for a major software company, droned on about recent tech legislation.

His insights were rarely captivating, but his father held an influential position in the FBI. Keeping him in my circle could prove useful one day.

Success was all about long-term strategy-measured not in weeks or months but years or even decades.

Tiny seeds can eventually grow into formidable oaks.

This concept eluded most people too preoccupied with short-term gains, leading to their eventual failure. They idled through life, waiting for "someday" when they should have started preparing long ago. By the time "someday" arrived, it was too late.

"...this IP issue with China..." Colton halted abruptly. Relief washed over me; another moment of his nasal tone would have driven me to drastic measures.

"Who is that?" he inquired, a predatory expression taking over as he stared past my shoulder. "She's attractive." His voice matched his voracious stare. "I've never seen her before. Have you?"

Out of mild curiosity, I turned to find which uncertain young woman had ensnared his attention. He rivaled even Taehyung in his pursuit of romantic conquests.

Upon identifying Colton's target, my body tensed and my grip tightened on my champagne glass, threatening to shatter it.

She floated into the ballroom, her slender frame clad in a sleek gown that cascaded like molten gold over her curves. Her hair was elegantly arranged, revealing her graceful neck and shoulders. Dark eyes, bronzed skin, and red lips formed a radiant presence, seemingly oblivious to the den of vipers she had entered.

A goddess entering the gates of hell, and she was oblivious to it.

A pulse throbbed in my jaw.

What was Y/N doing here, dressed like that? She wasn't an alumna yet. She had no business being here, especially not among these people.

I wanted to blind every man who gazed at her with hunger, which was essentially every man present, including Colton. If he didn't retract his tongue soon, I'd be tempted to remove it for him.

I left him drooling behind me without a word and strode toward Y/N, my pace furious and determined. I only made it halfway before someone obstructed my way.

I sensed her presence before I saw her face, causing my muscles to tense even more.

"Jungkook," Madeline purred. "It's been some time since we last spoke."

Her red gown complemented the glossy lipstick on her full lips. Blonde hair cascaded over her shoulders in elegant waves, and I could barely discern the faint outline of her nipples through the silky fabric of her dress.

TWISTED LOVE JEON JUNGKOOK X (READER) {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now