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"We should take this somewhere more... private," the blonde suggested, her fingers trailing down my arm. Her hazel eyes gleamed with invitation as she licked her bottom lip. "Or not. Whatever you're into."

My lips curved, not quite a smile, but enough to convey my thoughts: You can't handle what I'm into.

Despite her short, tight dress and provocative words, she seemed like the type who expected tender whispers and lovemaking in bed.

But I didn't do tender whispers or lovemaking.

I had a particular way of engaging intimately, and only certain women appreciated it. Not exactly hardcore BD$M, but not gentle either. No kissing, no face-to-face contact. Some women agreed to it, then attempted to change the rules midway through - that's when I would stop and show them the door. I had no patience for people who couldn't stick to a simple agreement.

That's why I maintained a roster of familiar names for when I needed a release; both sides knew what to expect.

The blonde wasn't going to make that list.

"Not tonight," I replied, swirling the ice in my glass. "It's my friend's farewell party."

She followed my gaze toward Taehyung, who reveled in female attention. He lounged on one of the few remaining pieces of furniture after packing up for his year abroad, grinning as three women fawned over him. He had always been the charming one. Whereas I put people on edge, he put them at ease - especially with women. According to Taehyung, the more, the merrier. He'd probably been with half of the D.C. metro area's women by now.

"He can join too." The blonde moved closer until she was brushing against my arm. "I don't mind."

"Same here," chimed in her friend, a petite brunette who had been quietly observing me since I arrived. "Lyss and I do everything together."

Their intentions were unmistakable.

Most men would have been thrilled by the suggestion, but I quickly lost interest in the conversation. I found desperation unappealing, and it hung in the air like an overpowering scent.

Without responding, I looked around the room for something more captivating. If not for my best friend Taehyung, who was leaving soon to volunteer as a medical worker in Central America, I would have skipped this gathering altogether. Running the Archer Group as COO and managing my side project kept me busy enough without adding pointless social events into the mix.

Suddenly, a delightful laugh caught my attention.

It was Y/N - Taehyung's cheerful sister who always looked as if she were about to burst into song while frolicking through a meadow with adorable woodland creatures at her side.

Y/N stood with her friends in one corner of the room, reacting enthusiastically to something they said. I wondered if her laugh was genuine or forced, since too often people pretend to be someone else depending on their goals for that particular day. But somehow I sensed that Y/N's laughter was real and unpretentious - a rarity in our world of masks and deception.

Poor girl. The world would swallow her whole once she left the Thayer bubble. Not my concern.

"Hey." Taehyung appeared beside me, his hair tousled and his mouth forming a wide grin. His entourage was nowhere-wait, nope. There they were, dancing to Beyoncé as if auditioning for a gig at The Strip Angel while a circle of men watched them, tongues hanging out. Men. My gender could benefit from higher standards and less thinking with their smaller head. "Thanks for showing up, man. Sorry I haven't said hi until now. I've been...busy."

TWISTED LOVE JEON JUNGKOOK X (READER) {Complete}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin